[Interest Check] D&D 5e Campaign

Hail fell to the floor vomiting

“It’s okay guys! I still did good!”

Hail died



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o ur alive

I can liveread your dreams because I sleep half as you sleep.

I can die

you don’t have the book so i’m safe : )

Yes, you can

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Should be able to post now.
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But why wouldn’t I help my wooden elf cleric friend



steals book

no one can read my dreams now

Demooonboooy do not do that it is evil

quiet mark zuckerberg you are invading my privacy so you can give me personalized ads smh

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o yeah what is the pokemon rp about

I only do so to announce to you the Seldarine god who fits you the best

honestly tho im kinda scared what kind of wacky dreams geyde/eevee might give us like they have too much power and must be stopped

Quest Received: Slay the DMs!
Reward: ∞

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If we ever go Underdark do you guys wish to be my slaves

:eyes: :eyes: :eyes: :eyes: :eyes: :eyes:

i mean

ralzer can be influenced by peer pressure pretty easily since, y’know, he’s never really had friends

at least until i decide that i wanna change his personality before i finish my cs

I have made my char a bit less goody and a bit more survivalist

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@MaximusPrime you finished your sheet?

no, i’m currently working more on backstory and trying to finish it up before i finish up my sheet which needs pretty much everything except the base stats i rolled and the personality which won’t really fit so i’m gonna put it on a separate google docs