[Interest Check] D&D 5e Campaign


image machine broke


Itā€™s coming out at lunch for me since thatā€™s the main time Iā€™m available today

Good idea ngl



But religion is a belief

so tieflings have a +1 to int and +2 to cha

do i add that onto my stats i have rn or does the sheet auto do it?

like, rn i have 13 for cha, would that become 15?

The sheet doesnā€™t.
I had to change mine in the stats page.

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kk, adding the numbers now then

ooh i got +2 to charisma lmao

laughs in DnD Beyond

cries in spending too much money to make everything work on there

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thatā€™s why the rest of us didnā€™t use it :^)

donā€™t worry, you wonā€™t regret it when your character dies in the first 5 campaigns tho

gotta admit, everything does look super neat and fancy there tho

I have loads of stuff on there, I play DnD on the reg with a shitload of characters

In fact my lvl 9 wizard on a West Marches server basically commandeered the last session I was in

Firstly by saving someone from falling into lava by using Bigbyā€™s Hand to grab them

And then by figuring out how to save someone that was being possessed by a very evil artifact


bruh ur not a true wizard

ur just a knockoff wislord

a true wizard solves everything with fireball

I havenā€™t even learned the spell.





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b r u h