[Interest Check] D&D 5e Campaign

drows are cool

cousins + aunt just came from airport bc of other cousin’s wedding day after tomorrow

pretty fucking excited

how do spell slots work? if the phb says 3 slots per spell level and you have 2 level 1 spells, can you cast each of those 3 times or do you have 3 casts total and you cast both spells with those 3

and are spell level and your level different things

Bagsy gnome wizard

If you have 3 level 1 spell slots and you have 2 level 1 spells, you can cast those two spells a total of 3 times combined using those level 1 spell slots.

so like 2 casts of x and 1 cast of y or 3 casts of x and 3 casts of y
sorry for being dumb

And yes, spell level and character level are different.

2 casts of x and 1 cast of y. Or 1 cast of x and 2 casts of y.

Basically the amount of casts you can do is equal to the amount of spell slots you have

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I mean my name is Oats Skippingstone so y’know

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alright so im interested in this but i dont have much experience with making character sheets.

If u have any questions just let us know. The Players Hand Book explains it pretty well and u can get that from the link Geyde posted before or thetrove dot net

@SogMan if u need even more help with spells here’s this


So hey just checked the op, our characters start at lvl 2 right? With all perks from lvl 2?

All perks from ur class that u would receive if ur level 2, unless u multi classing (which u prob shouldnt do right away unless u really want to. It complicates stuff

idek wtf spell slots are i didn’t get a single thing here

I’m about to get on my PC I can help yall understand them. Have u picked a class yet

ill read up on multiclassing more, bard barbarian would fit my character :smiley:

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yea, i have an idea of what i wanna do

do u wanna hop on discord and discuss it with me/merc/priestess?

I can. I just cant do VC due to being at work. I can still message though