[Interest Check] D&D 5e Campaign

What is the standard array?

For ability scores, the standard array is 15, 14, 13, 12, 10, 8.
If that’s what you were asking

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Yep I am pointbuying


how do you get your proficiency score?

also when the game speaks of modifiers does it mean the +x or the entire number with +x in it

10 annd 11 are 0, from 12 on its positive, with it going up 1 every even, and the same thing with 9 and odds going down by negative 1

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oh wait no srry

proficency is +2 until level 4

modifiers are this

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@discobot roll 1d8

:game_die: 5

whats passive preveption and initiative?

perception is knowing/seeing hidden or extra things you normally wouldn’t i think

and initiative is when you start a battle or something

Inititive is ur dex modifier, and ur passive perception is 10 + perception skill which is ur wisdom mod plus 2 if ur proficent in it

oh cool mines -1

i have to pick 3 instruments im proficent with but i cant find any others than lute help

it also tells me to pick 3 skills im proficent in but i cant find those either


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Skills should be on ur character sheet

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