[Interest Check] D&D 5e Campaign

15, 14, 17, 15, 14, 7 my overall totals

Not too bad aside from a -2

depending on the class that -2 might not affect u to bad, just dont put it in strength or u get 35 lbs u can hold and thats it

Gnome Wizard my dude

I’m putting it into Charisma probably

ooh I love gnomes, or at least the garden variety of them. DND gnomes, meh their ok, unless they got pointy hats and beards, which a wizard might have

you good bro i have 20 charisma ill be the talker

I got 19 int I’ll be the brainboi

wait what, whats ur roll plus race

i dont know man the character sheet seems to have some automatic caluculating, i dwarf and my roll was 17

it gave me a +3

but yeah theres no dwarf subrace that gives plus 3 cha

oooooh thats ur mod, u have 17 cha. its just u add 3 to ur cha rolls

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oh hold on are the +3s to the side the modifiers? and they dont affect the total of the stat?

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I can currently cast all the spells I know, muahaha

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i wanted to be mountain dwarf but it didnt let me pick it

Didn’t let you pick it? That’s odd.

as in wasnt even an option, i think ill do it manually and just add 2 to my strength

yeah idk if the sheet has subraces but yeah just add the two strength and all

i see theres an attacks tab but i dont see it in the phb, what do i do with that

laughs in using a DnD Beyond character sheet instead

thats more for urself so u know what attacks u can do

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