[Interest Check] D&D 5e Campaign

@discobot roll 4d6

:game_die: 4, 5, 4, 5

that seems like pretty good rolls.

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Something made of fully steel is significantly more costly than bands no matter what you do.
Given that a quarterstaff is about the length of a two handed sword and then some, Iā€™d figure the cost would be around that range, ergo the extreme cost.



Sorry to seem harsh, but thatā€™s how I would stat it out given comparisons.

Iā€™ll figure this out as it goes considering that it starts in multiple weeks from now.
I may have to have players be backups or try to host two parties at the same time.

Iā€™ll keep this in mind for later.

Could it be made of a lighter, more plentiful material, something like aluminum. (see below)

No no youā€™re fine. your making your decision for how it is, given how i stated it

Actually, the main purpose of this is for a thing to show off his character for a thing, and while although a solid metal one would be ideal, perhaps it would be more feasible to have something like this:
a quarter staff, banded as usual, however with a strip of some plentiful (read: cheap) metal going down the length of it, with caps on either end.

Aluminum vs Steel Cost

Cost and price are always an essential factor to consider when making any product. The price of steel and aluminum is continually fluctuating based on global supply and demand, fuel costs and the price and availability of iron and bauxite ore; however steel is generally cheaper (per pound) than aluminum (see galvanized vs stainless for more info on steel). The cost of raw materials has a direct impact on the price of the finished spinning. There are exceptions, but two identical spinnings (one in aluminum and one in steel) the aluminum part will almost always cost more because of the increase in the raw material price.




I know aluminium was extremely hard to refine until the 20th century, which is one of the reasons why it wasnā€™t used much. But what are the drawbacks to using it as armor or weapons in this type of setting? Would it be too brittle, or tough to smith into shape?

Aluminium is too soft to build strong armor from it. On the Mohs scale aluminium just has a 2.75 while iron, for example has 4, copper has 3.

The Mohs scale is about how hard it is to scratch a given material and the higher the number the harder is the material. That means that while copper can scratch aluminium the opposite is not true.

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So a coat of it?
That would be done with steel most likely
Iā€™ll figure out how that works soonā„¢

I once watched a documentary about the Mohs scale and they determined it by scratching things with another things
which is hilarious

It seems so scientific but it is literally just ā€œscratch things in it until nothing scratches it anymoreā€


Steel-Plated Quarterstaff
1d6 Bludgeoning
Versatile (1d8)


This was what I got without making it just a marshal weapon.
The problem is that a steel-ā€œcoatedā€ quarterstaff wouldnā€™t have any of the advantages a steel weapon would take advantage of, which also just being more expensive.


Two parties time

I stay with Maxi

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Iā€™ll be on whoeverā€™s team that wants me


If anyone wants to put proximity in the bg if you are mentioning the name of places, my character started his bg at the red cross but he is actively moving south. His final destination would probably be Zakhara/Kara-Tur if he knew where he was going.


World-map wise:


I can help anyone with locations

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Ill go with whoever?

So what do i do if i dont want my sorcerous origin to be a draconic bloodline?

@discobot roll 2d4