[Interest Check] D&D 5e Campaign

To activate Geyde, ping him alongside one of the following commands!

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@Geyde No


What’s the party comps so far.

Wizard druid cleric
Bard Sorc Barb?

Group 1 could use almost anything since the conp is relatively balanced. Group 2 could use a healer. Can I spin a warlock into a healer. I’ll have to see

@Geyde Yes

*Sorc with rogue-like tendencies.
not a level in rogue, mind you, just some tendencies

Roll for perception

Stealth and disguise a bit of sleight of hand I got u

@discobot roll 1d20

:game_die: 20


I dont actually have proficiency in sleight of hand i just have some p good dex.
same with disguise, although i do have disguise self on a spell slot

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Fucking first nat 20 and the game hasn’t even started, thanks discobot



Though I just have pretty good rolls in everything aside from charisma

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I’m just that good

@Geyde Y E S

In blistering heat, the DM who had prior been cackling over matters entirely unrelated to the current game soon reopened the thread. Anxiously awaiting the result as it loaded, the aforementioned effect astounded with prodigious black magic fuckery.
Deadpan, reality soon set in as he dealt with the drudgery of the test: hold fast, or concoct a tome of wasted mind upon describing the feat produced by the avian.
Such specific weltanschauung regarding the characterization of fortune stretched to boundless obscenities.

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Short version:
I’m not a type of guy to obsess over nat20s and nat1s

I find that it harms the overall experience of someone rolls 20 on something it shouldn’t and they just get it

team 2 btw, ill be our talker guy. ive got 17 charisma (could be more but you know who wants to play a theifling)

I consumed a thesaurus in advance of this game, so expect the Ancestor to reflect in most posts


Fuuuck backstories are bullshit

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