[Interest Check] D&D 5e Campaign

“hours of sleep less than 3”
“hours of sleep is less than three”
or are. doesnt matter

my hours of sleep is <3

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I have like 0 stuff other than my rolls on it but imma fill it out tomorrow

@Geyde would it be ok for me to take healing spirit and abuse the fuck out of it OOC? (when i get to acess to a lvl 2 spell, ofc)

also @discobot roll 1d8

:game_die: 1

@mercenary bruh i got the worst roll lmao

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Hi! To find out what I can do, say @discobot display help.

no shut up disco you’re making me super squishy D:<

@Geyde since i wrote too much info and it won’t fit ni the personality section or whatever well, is it ok if i also put it in a separate google doc with those stuff listed?

@insanity join

95% chance insanity chooses a furry

5% I became a literal god.

worship a furry god as a furry cleric/paladin

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my team could use a paladin bc we already have a cleric so no need for tanky cleric

Come at me my 2nd highest stat is str and I have a lute with steel on it

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You can‘t stop me from being a cleric :wink:

are you saying you are immune to bribes? preposterous!

but actually tho, pick whoever u want

Enlighten me on discord cuz this is the first time I’ve played in dnd .-.

@Geyde I draw Vizier from the deck of many things. Now tell me, is your marriage happy?

Wait shit, someone requested access twice with two accounts that are very similiar. I think it was bots fuck