[Interest Check] D&D 5e Campaign

magnus intesnsifies

@discobot roll 1d100
random gp price, dont actually listen to me

:game_die: 77

Gp is like super shit you can live a year with 1gp


hnghh i dont know what background to use

do u have any idea for a backstory?

I can roll one randomly

Take gladiator and get one cool but cheap weapon

idk what the last spell I should take, already took witchbolt for battling and charm person for social
could take Arms for different damage, but idk if my Warlock would be down for that unless the Blood God thing in the backstory could take over forcefully. Healing Elixir and Puppet is UA and OP. Unseen Servant could be interesting. I feel like Sense Emotion is boring. Protection could be good, Armor might be good. Hex, Hellish R, and cause fear might be under the same as Arms. Illusory Script and Expeditious is pointless imo. Languages could be a niche pick idk

what kind of style are you going for?

Im in the Celestial Pact so I have some healing and my god, is primarily about healing and all that jawn, image
this is my spell list currently, so maybe utility is better atm

Pick spells char would pick

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in that case I think its Protection from good and evil

in my opinion, you ask yourself what sorts of things you want to do, then you pick the spells that sound like they might suit that, and just stick with them, even if they’re trash.

for instance, you’ll notice the only spells in my list which have a damaging effect are magic missile, shocking grasp, and true strike

fuck im being indecisive as fuck as switching everything about my character kill me

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What is the general concept?

hngh probably human fighter

i like whacky whack

So if I have a component pouch I dont have to worry about running out of components that dont have a price with them right?