[Interest Check] D&D 5e Campaign

lol that’d be really interesting, might give some closure to my character later on if he becomes more self assured

and if there was a quest somehow involved with him that’d be even better

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find missing man

ooomph anything that would have to do with protecting him in some way would be horrible for my poor boi. just imagine the trauma like he hates the man and now he has to help him? after all that he’s done?

“everyone gimme some time with this guy alone plox”
get alone with him
remove my mask and threatens in drow never to talk to me or my son ever again

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max do you wish to be my son

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Hey do any of y’all want to be one of my retainers


what’s a retainer

Knight feature

and what’s that

maseim is a bit of a coward emotionally, too scared to stand up where it counts and too late if he does, but it’s also the easiest way to influence him (the hope of things being better for him). he’s too scared to invest himself mentally now, when before he’d be more brash about things, which the fiend pact changed. if he sees a physical threat tho he’d get all up in your face tho(well, as much as he could) so if you’re gonna threaten him then you gotta be smart about how you do it.

sure uwu

I was mainly taking the proverbial cause they have to be commoners, but:

You have the service of three retainers loyal to your family. These retainers can be attendants or messengers, and one might be a majordomo. Your retainers are commoners who can perform mundane tasks for you, but they do not fight for you, will not follow you into obviously dangerous areas (such as dungeons), and will leave if they are frequently endangered or abused.

um, ask @roze if she wants to be part of ur backstory

insanity is going cleric i think so maybe he could unless ur looking for fighters or whatever

idk if we could fit into ur backstory since merc and i already have our own thing going

I’m a fokin drow that’s already a threat

o yeah he’s definitely scared of drow with their rep and whatnot but since he’s quite a bit taller than you(he’s like 5’1" probs) he’d probably try to act brave since physical intimidation is kinda hard when ur what, 5’1"?

What backstory

I’ll agree to be in it if someone does it for me :))

oh bluestorm wanted to know if anyone in our team wanted to be his retainers

@BlueStorm if you make @roze’s backstory bc she’s a super lazy person then she’ll agree

you can also probably have a npc retainer if geyde allows it but he might not bc we already have 5 ppl