[Interest Check] D&D 5e Campaign

I know what I want, but I don’t know anything of the world and I can’t make a character I like because of that

It is generic high fantasy

bards be like:


I am strongly against this

Actually fucking dragons isn’t that uncommon


I’m strongly against this

Hey dragons are hott

Do you want a Dragonborn? 'Cause this is how you get a Dragonborn.

Which, incidentally, sounds a lot like DatbirdStorm.

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No that’s how you get a half-dragon :’)

And it getsgets more confusing with drow dragons because of the zekyl and draa’zekyl


Bless you?

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@Geyde when does this campaign start?

I gave it an extra week
5 days


alright, thx


Oh man will get the backstory done asap then. Kept pushing it back


I can’t do it!
I want to,
but I can’t