[Interest Check] i42 Forums Community Play by Post Pathfinder Campaign

@discobot roll 4d6

:game_die: 4, 1, 3, 3


Let’s break this as fast as possible, 5e style


Anti-DM build
Warforged (Envoy) Paladin
Level 1


Warforged since Envoy
Envoy since we can get the 3 +1s (One must be in con) to our most important stats, giving us a +2/+2/+3 for those modifiers, making it much less shitty.
Paladin since we definitely want to take a front liner to take advantage of

Heavy Plating: Requires proficiency in heavy armor and gives disadvantage on stealth checks. AC 16 + Proficiency Mod

this unbalanced shit, alongside Paladin being more MAD than other front liners.


16 STR (+3)
10 DEX (+0)
14 CON (+2)
11 INT (+0)
12 WIS (+1)
14 CHA (+2)


Our AC with a shield is 20
You heard that right

is this 5e or pathfinder

5e since you can do more broken things in pathfinder

oh alright
iirc it is intended because this race is for eberron, a campaign very heavy on magical items, where magical armor is the norm

is it not optimal?

which is why it’s crazy bullshit

I’m in doubt on why you didn’t do 15/15/15/8/8/8

I rolled for stats

oh I see

These are kinda bad for crossing critical threshold

in my table we had a bladesinger with 28 AC and 48 damage every turn at level 5

What was their build?

we had started at level 5
she and her player were banned after our first combat from the table

basically the DM was too permissive with a jerk
and when I googled her build it had even dandwiki spells on it

oh christ
did they sneak in some bullshit

I’m looking at how you would get that much AC

wait a little I’m downloading my rpg program for desktop to see the text longs and translate them

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