[Interest Check] i42 Forums Community Play by Post Pathfinder Campaign

Part 1, just roleplay, read if you want

[18:18] «!» With a wet, dirty and dangerous journey ahead, the group would meet at the scheduled time at the city gates, but Mirro would eventually not show up. Selphie would remember him going to a certain dwarf’s room before she left the tavern, but it would only “matter” to it now. "Even with the city slowly getting dark and the heat subsiding, the weather would still remain considerably hot and humid, the mosquitoes just getting worse too
[18:19] «!» At the gates of the walled city of Santiago, Teresa would be accompanied by her two knights. Next to her would be an exotic male of the lizard people, a considerably large, single-looking creature, many of those present would never have seen one of these in life, as they would be native to Lorn
[18:19] «!» As she approaches, Teresa turns to the presents and then says, facing them with her steadfast form, always trying to give an image of leadership
[18:19] «!»
[18:21] ** NPC: - This native will help us on our journey, mercenaries. Your knowledge of the southern lizard peoples’ customs will be essential to us. She says, a little too thick or too direct, as if she didn’t care much about the group’s opinion. But then she glances briefly over each one and says, her tone getting a little lighter. Questions? >
[18:25] Gwyn was wearing this time the dress given by Don Menezes. They weren’t as heavy as they thought they would be, being slightly less sweaty than the day before. He approached the Inquisitor and her two horsemen, their long pink hair tied in a ponytail that day, and making an elegant wiggle for her and the lizard man:
[18:25] - To hear is to obey, Mrs. Teresa, ”he turned to the lizard man,“ I will be the healer of this expedition. My name is Gwyndolin Calabastra. You can come to me if you get hurt.
[18:25] I was giving a little nod, clearly there was nothing to comment on since they could probably object to me. With my time studying, I got used to different humans and peoples, although they are still a certain mystery to me. The lizard was over six feet tall, dressed in human robes. He held a wooden staff, this one was from his people, and on his belt was a wand and a dagger with skull engravings. A necklace around his neck with a question mark helped complete the man’s look, and hanging cross-body was a bag large enough to hold his library and other items.
[18:26] Odok, always in his soldiery posture, listened to Teresa’s direct words naturally, was accustomed to short, rude commanders, without flourishes, as might be expected from an effective army. He makes sense of his posture and says, “None, ma’am.” We all agree. Odok turns to his new group mate and says, “I’m Odok Azurai.” Will we serve together, sir…?
[18:28] * Not surprisingly, that gypsy “human” had spent the night with the dwarf. Selphie thought they were perfect for each other in their mutual disgust and shrugged. They wouldn’t really need that man to solve their problems. Now they were introduced to a lizard man. For a moment the elf watched, watched him assiduously with very large eyes. That creature was part of a culture not yet explored by her. Selphie longed to know her better, her gestures, her habits.
But of course, she kept quiet all the time. He left the introductions to his lord. It was still very hot, but since she had gotten rid of her annoying and unnecessary skirt, she felt fresher. The top still stung. *
[18:32] ** NPC: The woman turns her gaze briefly to her knights, she then says - Go ahead. Then he turns his attention to the group, saying keeping his posture - Very well. I plan to camp on the edge of the jungle if possible, there is a gorge just south, a passage between a rock formation that separates this region from a little explored.
[18:32] «!» The riders agree with the order and begin to advance in front of the group, slowly moving away from them>
[18:34] He listened to the hobgoblin’s words and ran his hand over his bag, bringing an ordinary book with the cover written “Arkay”. It was a personal textbook, that the lizard always jotted down some history and nature information. He nodded and turned his face to the human, listening to what was said about the camp.
[18:36] “It’s nice to meet you, Mr. Arkay.” Gwyndolin makes another elegant wiggle as he looks the lizardman in the eye and then proceeds with the Knights and Theresa.
[18:38] The hobgoblin takes off his glasses, looking at the cover of the book and saying, “Arkay.” Nice to meet you. We will serve together then. He bows a little respectfully, militarily, and follows after the knights Teresa has appointed.

Part 2 where the roleplay gets weirder

[18:40] * Selphie approached the lizard man invading her personal space and began circling the creature. Her almond eyes investigating him carefully. At last he introduced himself to the Kobold mode he had learned at Camp Hoboblin.

[draconic] - You son of a bitch !!!

He spat to the side and reached for the creature. A huge smile on his face. *
[18:44] It was not shy to see the elf approaching. In the early years it was quite difficult as all humans surrounded me thinking that I was some animal to be studied. Maybe I would have freaked out if it wasn’t for Emilia to teach me this new life. Since then I could ignore people well, it wasn’t hard … until I saw this elf. Something about her wasn’t normal, and a mind twisted with madness was something that bothered her. She tried not to touch the elf to avoid some kind of bad joke coming from her.
[18:45] ** NPC: The woman looks at the situation with a disapproving look, then turns her attention to fate and moves forward, staying at a distance from the knights, as they would be at the forefront.
[18:45] «!» <
[18:46] «!» The small group of mercenaries and members of the Inquisition would advance along a small part of the unpaved road that would lead to the farms, mines and sawmills in the region, but would soon cut their way south. For the first hour of walking, they would walk only over rocky, tree-littered terrain, as Teresa would have preferred that route rather than heading straight into the enclosed jungle.
[18:48] «!» In the next hour, the group would approach the dense and damp jungle considerably now, already at night. Arriving on the route Teresa originally mentioned, it would be remarkable that they would have trails of a cobblestone road leading into the rocky strait, surrounded by high hills completely covered with tropical trees.
[18:48] «!»
[18:52] «!» This road did not appear to have been built by the settlers, let alone the natives of southern Lorn, as they would all be tribal with primitive societies, including the lizard people. Advanced societies would only exist in the far north of the continent of Lorn
[18:53] ** NPC: - Let’s go camping here. The lady says, placing her travel backpack on a rock
[18:53] «!» The Knights leave their backpacks on the floor as well, then Teresa points them forward, which they do. The woman then begins to gather stones to make a fire, but clearly she didn’t know what she was doing.
[18:53] «!»>
[18:56] I was carrying my necklace up to my face, as if I were praying to see the place I was at the moment. He looked at the others who seemed to have no idea where they were. He looked around at the place where the camp would be made, and seeing the inability of the human, went to her and tried to help build a fire since it was something that was more usual to move.
[18:58] Gwyndolin always looked at the landscape with his stoic expression, smiling a smile at one time or another as he saw new plants and wondered what kind of medicines they could make. He followed Odok’s nearest caravan, his calm, civilized, orderly nature giving him security. When he saw Teresa trying to build the fire, he looked at his companions with a worried look.
[18:58] * Selphie would laugh at the captain’s unsuccessful attempt to accomplish such an ordinary task, but that was sadder than funny. The elf only sighed deeply and took the time to perform a protective spell, yet she knew what this woman thought about using magic and decided to walk away with a lame excuse. *

  • I’ll get some water from my knee.

Said the elf, most naturally in the world. He knew this was the standard human way to excuse himself and perform his writing duties. He had heard a great deal in taverns with their conviviality. *
[18:58] The hobgoblin approaches Teresa, saying firmly, “Madam Teresa, if you will allow me.” - He points to an empty space on the floor, and pointing his finger, whispers some magic words, conjuring [create bonfire].
[18:59] [mage armor]
[19:01] The hobgoblin hears Selphie, shaking his head slightly and letting out a low growl.
[19:05] ** NPC: The woman thanks her head briefly, then begins to remove her belongings from her backpack. She prepares a sleeping bag relatively close to the fire, then she goes to one of her knights’ backpack and removes the kitchen equipment she would have in the knight’s backpack, such as pots and a food kit - I believe we can leave the shifts. of the vigil in an orderly manner. We start with the knights who accompany me, then me, so…

Part 3 where combat starts

19:05] «!» The group then hears metal noise ahead, already inside the canyon and as they pass. After the noise of metal, it is possible to hear a cry of pain. The woman immediately reacts by getting up suddenly, she draws her long sword and runs in that direction>
[19:06] Odok follows after his wife, trying to position himself next to Teresa if necessary to protect her.
[19:08] Gwyndolin looks in the direction of the noise, and then realizes that Teresa set out to discover the origin of the sound. He sighed, following her, taking his library and trying to stay between the hobgoblin and the last ones to follow.
[19:09] The sound of danger stirs me. She didn’t trust others yet to protect her back, so she tried to do something to help herself. He put his hand inside the bag, touching a separate compartment and pulling a miniature animal, throwing it beside him. Not waiting to see what it is before running after the source of the sound
[19:09] Arkay Ichtaca rolled 1d8 = 3 {[3]} << Go pokemon! >>
[19:11] * Selphie, who was actually finishing urination after performing the magic, hears the scream and puts on her clothes anyway. Then it runs as quickly as possible toward the noise. *
[19:12] «!» <
[19:14] «!» After running towards the sound, with the old road already taken by the jungle again and with several bushes and plants in the way, they cannot see what was going on ahead on the route until they were already inside the road. narrow. After crossing the last bush, they notice several meters ahead what had just happened
[19:15] «!» Two huge creatures completely unknown to the group would be devouring the hitherto living horsemen. Pieces of it would drip from their huge, toothy mouths like swords. The huge creatures then turn their attention to the mercenaries who have just approached, dropping their bodies to the ground and letting out a powerful and frightening roar.
[19:15] «!»
[19:16] ** NPC: - By Onoir… What are these things ?! She holds her sword in both hands, then looks over her shoulder at the accompanying mercenaries, then returns her attention to the “enemies” - Fight!
[19:16] «!» [Initiative]
[19:17] Gwyndolin Calabastra rolled 1d20 = 10 {[10]} << Initiative >>
[19:17] Odok Azurai rolled 1d20 + 2 = 12 {[10] + 2}
[19:17] Arkay Ichtaca rolled 1d20 - 1 = 2 {[3] - 1} << Go Big Dog >>
[19:17] Arkay Ichtaca rolled 1d20 + 2 = 20 {[18] + 2} << Initiative >>
[19:17] Selphie Saphada rolled 1d20 + 5 = 16 {[11] + 5}
[19:19] Angelloh rolled 1d20 = 8 {[8]} << Teresa >>
[19:19] Angelloh rolled 1d20 = 1 {[1]} << Tyrannosaurus >>
[19:21] «!» [Arkay]
[19:28] I was pointing to the dinosaur, ordering my dog ​​to bite his ankle. The dog was still a little sleepy, and ran slowly. In the meantime, I pulled my dagger and aimed its skull at one of the dinosaurs; a flame was created at its tip and shot at it. [Trick: Fire Ray]
[19:30] Arkay Ichtaca rolled 1d20 + 5 = 21 {[16] + 5} << Take this dice >>
[19:31] Arkay Ichtaca rolled 2d10 = 7 {[1, 6]} << Damage >>
[19:31] «!» The flaming shot picks up the creature’s hard leather and seems to scratch it slightly
[19:31] «!» [Selphie]
[19:36] * Seeing the threatening gigantenorm creatures shattered knights like a snack, Selphie didn’t think twice. In a succession of dance moves coupled with arcane gestures and elven and draconic speech, she did a set of actions that would be impossible for anyone without her dexterity or intellect. [Bladesong + rod + displacement 80 feet + attack (courtesy of spell rod) on previously injured dinosaur] *
[CA 24]
[19:37] Selphie Saphada rolled 1d20 + 9 = 12 {[3] + 9}
[19:39] «!» [Odok]
[19:39] Odok stands in front of Teresa, conjuring [blade ward] to activate his abjuring shield, withdrawing his sword and saying, “Stay close to me and I will protect you, Mrs. Teresa!”
[19:40] «!» [Gwyndolin]
[19:41] «!» <
[19:42] Gwyndolin moves forward as far as he can while praying and gesturing the moon on his forehead. Her eyes glittered pink, along with her brooch with the symbol of Geálain, invoking [Sanctuary]. When it was over, a protective aura seemed to emanate from it. He knew he had to come within range to heal that he needed it.
[19:42] Extra from Gwyndolin Calabastra: -1
[19:43] «!» [Teresa]
[19:47] «!» The woman wields her sword and then runs right after Gwyndolin, then she propels her body forward and disappears in a silver haze, appearing ahead.
[19:47] «!» [Tyrannosaurus]
[19:49] «!» The tyrannosaurs rage furiously towards the two women in front of them. The first tyrannosaurus tries to bite Selphie and then bang Teresa
[19:49] Angelloh rolled 1d20 + 10 = 24 {[14] + 10}
[19:49] [shield]

the wonders of translators

This might be all-nighter geyde’s brain acting up

Part 4 mid combat

[19:50] «!» The elf casts an arcane shield in front of her that blocks the blow, pushing the tyrannosaurus’s head backwards
[19:50] Angelloh rolled 1d20 + 10 = 16 {[6] + 10}
[19:50] «!» Teresa holds her sword in both hands and places it against her tail, she receives the blow and is slightly pushed back, but does not look wounded
[19:51] «!» Then the other tyrannosaurus would repeat the same pattern of attacks, but biting Teresa and slapping Selphie with his tail
[19:51] Angelloh rolled 1d20 + 10 = 13 {[3] + 10}
[19:51] «!» The woman jumps back, avoiding the blow
[19:51] Angelloh rolled 1d20 + 10 = 21 {[11] + 10}
[19:51] «!» Again Selphie blocks the blow by turning her arcane shield against the creature’s tail
[19:51] «!» [Arkay]
[19:56] Seeing that my allies insist on being in the line of fire, I had to conjure my firecracker trick again to avoid hurting them. I take it and have my dog ​​bite the dinosaur.
[19:57] Arkay Ichtaca rolled 1d20 + 5 = 14 {[9] + 5} << Beam of Fire >>
[19:57] «!» [Hit]
[19:57] Arkay Ichtaca rolled 2d10 = 10 {[9, 1]} << Damage >>
[19:58] «!» The creature receives another bolt of fire near the location of the last shot, this time it seems to feel the impact, but it doesn’t seem to care so much.
[19:58] Arkay Ichtaca rolled 1d20 + 3 = 23 {[20] + 3} << Dogo Bite >>
[19:59] Angelloh rolled 1d20 + 7 = 14 {[7] + 7}
[19:59] Arkay Ichtaca rolled 2d6 + 1 = 5 {[3, 1] + 1} << Bite stacked in the pinscher fury >>
[20:00] «!» The tyrannosaurus feels the little hairy creature biting his paw, but doesn’t seem to care much about the small wound
[20:00] «!» [Selphie]
[20:01] * The elf performs a new series of arcane gestures and energizes the pink blade of her sword with a bluish glow. He then performs two strokes against the creature. *
[20:01] Selphie Saphada rolled 1d20 + 9 = 28 {[19] + 9}
[20:01] Selphie Saphada rolled 1d20 + 9 = 13 {[4] + 9}
[20:02] «!» [2 hits]
[20:02] [arcane smite]
[20:02] Selphie Saphada rolled 6d8 + 12 = 42 {[2, 5, 8, 5, 2, 8] + 12}
[20:04] «!» The relatively wounded creature would receive two precise and powerful punctures in its thick skin, blows that would be enhanced by magical energy. She howls in pain and then turns her attention to Selphie.
[20:04] «!» [Odok]
[20:05] Odok grumbles to see that Teresa rushes from his side, and casts [expanditiuous retreat] on himself, [bonus action], running as far as possible until Teresa, withdrawing her sword and trying to hit the dinosaur [2] .
[20:06] Odok Azurai rolled 1d20 + 5 = 10 {[5] + 5}
[20:07] «!» Odok’s sword strikes an especially resilient part of the creature’s skin and fails to pierce it.
[20:07] «!» [Gwyndolin]
[20:10] Gwyndolin realized that he was already in the desired range to heal those in need, so he would stop his advance. He could not help but notice the anatomical structure of the animals, and said in a calm and loud tone: Saphada, the creature’s tendons look quite vulnerable. Try to cut them there. [Help Action for Selphie]
[20:11] «!» [Teresa]
[20:12] «!» The woman for a brief moment raises her sword close to her face, it would be remarkable the blade of the sword coming out of ordinary steel and becoming something similar to gold. She then makes two quick cuts against the creature
[20:12] Angelloh rolled 1d20 + 7 = 16 {[9] + 7}
[20:13] Angelloh rolled 1d20 + 7 = 14 {[7] + 7}
[20:13] ** NPC: - By the Holy Inquisition! She screams as her sword begins to blaze
[20:13] Angelloh rolled over 2d10 + 6 + 5d8 = 39 {[10,2] + 6 + [1,2,7,8,3]}
[20:14] «!» She cuts two deep gashes on the creature, tearing flesh and skin from the monster’s legs, but does not drop it
[20:15] «!» [Tyrannosaurus]
[20:15] «!» The injured tyrannosaurus tries to devour Selphie, furious at the powerful blow she would have dealt him. Then he tries to smash the little dog with his tail
[20:15] Angelloh rolled 1d20 + 10 = 19 {[9] + 10}
[20:16] «!» Without much effort, the elf dodges the bite
[20:16] Angelloh rolled 1d20 + 10 = 29 {[19] + 10}
[20:17] Angelloh rolled over 3d8 + 7 = 21 {[1, 8, 5] + 7}
[20:17] «!» Then the creature’s tail descends on the dog, crushing it against the ground. When the tail lifts it would have only blood and bones
[20:18] «!» The other creature seemed intent on biting Teresa again, but her eyes glow green for a moment, so she tries to bite Selphie
[20:18] Angelloh rolled 1d20 + 10 = 11 {[1] + 10}
[20:18] «!» [AdO: Selphie]
[20:18] Selphie Saphada rolled 1d20 + 9 = 10 {[1] + 9}
[20:19] Angelloh rolled 1d20 + 10 = 22 {[12] + 10} << AdO AdO >>
[20:19] «!» The elf deflects the first blow and tries to counter, but hits the teeth of the monster who tries to devour her at the opportunity, but she gives a mortal over the creature’s head and avoids the blow.
[20:19] Angelloh rolled 1d20 + 10 = 21 {[11] + 10}
[20:20] Angelloh rolled over 3d8 + 7 = 22 {[5,5,5] + 7}

Part 5 still mid combat

[20:20] «!» The monster turns and bangs its tail against Teresa, hitting her on the flank and nearly knocking her over. The woman spits blood on the floor but remains standing
[20:21] «!» [Arkay]
[20:23] Not worrying about my dog’s death, after all, it was just a conjured item, I concentrated my dagger pointing at his body. It would not lift him, or rather revive him. He would take some remaining bone from the animal’s body and hurl it at TRex’s head. I hope this punctures an eye. [Magic: Catapult Level 1]
[20:24] Angelloh rolled 1d20 = 18 {[18]}
[20:25] Arkay Ichtaca rolled 3d8 = 13 {[6, 3, 4]} << Concussion Damage >>
[20:26] «!» The creature briefly pulls its face out of the way, the bone hitting the equivalent of its cheek and getting stuck there, injuring it a little
[20:27] «!» [Selphie]
[20:27] Arkay Ichtaca Extra: -1
[20:27] Extra from Arkay Ichtaca: + 3 / + 3
[20:31] * Selphie decided to hear the voice of her heart and activated the sword given by Dom Menudo. The pink blade takes on an even brighter glow. *

  • Thanks, good blood! It is us!

She thanked the apparent human whose skin and locks were the color of his sword and struck 2 blows at the creature. *
[20:31] Selphie Saphada rolled 2d20 + 9 = 36 {[9, 18] + 9}
[20:31] Selphie Saphada rolled 2d20 + 9 = 19 {[1, 9] + 9}
[20:32] «!» [2 hits]
[20:32] Selphie Saphada rolled 2d8 + 12 = 19 {[6, 1] + 12}
[20:33] «!» The blows tear and cut pieces of the creature, throwing them everywhere, leaving it considerably wounded.
[20:34] «!» [Odok]
[20:36] Odok advances to Teresa and with sword drawn, tries to finish off the severely injured dinosaur.
[20:36] Odok Azurai rolled 1d20 + 7 = 18 {[11] + 7}
[20:36] «!» [Hit]
[20:36] Odok Azurai rolled 1d8 + 4 = 12 {[8] + 4}
[20:37] After finishing the gigantic dinosaur, Odok returns to Teresa’s side, facing the last opponent.
[20:37] «!» The hobgoblin cuts the tendon behind the tyrannosaurus’s paw, causing it to fall on one of its paws. As it falls, the hobgoblin scales the creature’s head briefly and then sticks its sword in the center of its skull, finalizing it and bouncing back into position.
[20:37] «!» [Gwyndolin]
[20:41] Seeing that Teresa was injured, Gwyndolin pulled the skirt of the dress she had gained from her legs, kneeling on one leg and taking the symbol of the moon she wore brooch in her hands, assuming a prayer pose. He begged for the help of the Lunar Aspect, and the moonlight shone brighter as the rhythmic prayer in Heaven tended from the Inquisitor’s wounds [Healing Word].
[20:42] Gwyndolin Calabastra rolled 2d4 + 7 = 11 {[3, 1] + 7} << Healing >>
[20:42] Extra from Gwyndolin Calabastra: -1
[20:44] «!» As Teresa’s injuries heal, she turns her gaze briefly to Gwyndolin, thanking him with just one look. Then she lowers her sword and holds the amulet around her neck, then says - Onoir, protect this brave warrior so that he continues to serve your plans! At the end of the magic words, Odok feels a white light overwhelming him, it only seems to illuminate his armor.
[20:44] «!» [Tyrannosaurus]
[20:45] «!» The remaining creature turns its eyes on Odok, noting that Odok would have eliminated the other of its kind. She then tries to devour him while slapping her Selphie ass
[20:46] Angelloh rolled 1d20 + 10 = 17 {[7] + 10}
[20:46] Angelloh rolled 1d20 + 10 = 17 {[7] + 10}
[20:46] «!» Both deflect the blows, completely avoiding them
[20:46] «!» [Arkay]
[20:49] Seeing the result of his magic eventually brightened a little. But now nothing called attention to launch again. He was trying another spell as part of his research. [Trick: Sound the Dead]
[20:50] Angelloh rolled 1d20 + 1 = 5 {[4] + 1}
[20:51] Arkay Ichtaca rolled 2d12 = 9 {[8, 1]} << Necrotic Damage >>
[20:52] Arkay Ichtaca rolled 2d8 = 11 {[4, 7]} << Necrotic damage, Angelloh’s fault >>
[20:52] «!» The creature shakes its head slightly with the conjuration of the trick, a little blood coming out of its nostrils
[20:52] «!» [Selphie]
[20:54] * The blade of his sword glowed bright red thanks to the last deflected blow. Unsatisfied, Selphie again infuses her with blue arcane energy and deals two strikes against the creature. *
[20:54] [arcane smite]
[20:55] [speculum + 1d8]
[20:55] Selphie Saphada rolled 1d20 + 9 = 19 {[10] + 9}
[20:55] Selphie Saphada rolled 1d20 + 9 = 28 {[19] + 9}
[20:55] «!» [2 hits]
[20:55] Selphie Saphada rolled 6d8 + 12 = 45 {[7, 8, 6, 5, 6, 1] + 12}
[20:56] «!» The elf delivers two quick thrusts with her purple-bladed sword, striking the creature in two different parts of her leg, wounding her considerably as blood begins to drip in large amounts.
[20:56] «!» [Odok Azurai]
[20:58] Odok continues to focus his sword strikes on the beast, trying to protect Teresa to the fullest.
[20:58] Odok Azurai rolled 1d8 + 4 = 9 {[5] + 4} << Damage - falcata >>
[20:59] Odok Azurai rolled 1d20 + 7 = 14 {[7] + 7} << Attack - falcata >>

Part 6 end of combat

[21:00] «!» The hobgoblin makes a quick slash against the creature’s leg, breaking part of its thick skin, injuring it a little
[21:00] «!» [Gwyndolin]
[21:01] Gwyndolin rises from the floor, pinning the brooch once more in her dress, watching the remaining Tyrannosaurus. Saphada, I think you will be most successful wounding this beast in the wound above the thigh of its last attack.
[21:02] «!» [Teresa]
[21:02] ** NPC: So Teresa unleashes two quick thrusts at the creature.
[21:02] Angelloh rolled 1d20 + 7 = 12 {[5] + 7}
[21:02] Angelloh rolled 1d20 + 7 = 18 {[11] + 7}
[21:03] Angelloh rolled 1d10 + 3 = 9 {[6] + 3}
[21:03] «!» The first blow slips on the thick skin, but the second hits her considerably
[21:03] «!» [Tyrannosaurus]
[21:04] «!» The creature seems intent on repeating the blows, but again the green glow repeats itself in its eyes. She then tries to devour Odok again, but then hits her syrup against Teresa
[21:04] Angelloh rolled 1d20 + 10 = 29 {[19] + 10}
[21:05] Angelloh rolled 4d12 + 7 = 35 {[10, 4, 3, 11] + 7}
[21:06] «!» <(Reaction, Teresa) Teresa’s golden sword glows brightly and when the creature bites Odok, it is noticeable that the wounds in the man are less than they seem, but Teresa begins to bleed
[21:07] Odok Azurai Extra: -9
[21:07] Odok Azurai’s Vital Points: -8
[21:07] «!» [Save from Strength: Odok]
[21:08] Odok Azurai rolled 1d20 = 4 {[4]}
[21:08] «!» The Tyrannosaurus holds Odok in his mouth and lifts him up, holding him between his teeth (Forbidden)
[21:08] «!» [Arkay]
[21:11] He walked distractedly, staring at the bodies that could be revived. It was just a dinosaur and it seemed we would have no problems. He conjured his fire magic again seeking to give the group a little help.
[21:11] Arkay Ichtaca rolled 1d20 + 8 = 16 {[8] + 8} << Beam of Fire >>
[21:12] «!» [Hit]
[21:12] Arkay Ichtaca rolled 2d10 = 9 {[2, 7]} << Damage >>
[21:13] «!» The shot hits the creature’s neck, scorching a little
[21:13] «!» [Selphie]
[21:14] * Selphie again follows that gentle gentleman’s tip. And thanks in standard human language. *

  • It’s us who does it, big witch!

Smiling, the elf again performs the same movements as before. 2 new hits, one charged with arcane energy. *
[21:15] [arcane smite]
[21:15] Selphie Saphada rolled 2d20 + 9 = 17 {[3,5] + 9}
[21:15] Selphie Saphada rolled 1d20 + 9 = 21 {[12] + 9}
[21:15] «!» [2 hits]
[21:16] Selphie Saphada rolled 5d8 + 12 = 35 {[1, 7, 6, 8, 1] + 12}
[21:17] «!» Again, Selphie would deliver two precise, swift strokes with her arcane blade, causing deep wounds on the huge creature that slowly seemed to fade, bleeding profusely.
[21:17] «!» [Odok]
[21:20] Odok tries to get rid of the dinosaur’s mouth, forcing his jaw to open while roaring with hatred.
[21:20] Odok Azurai rolled 1d20 + 3 = 10 {[7] + 3}
[21:20] «!» He struggles, but the more the creature was injured, the more it seemed to squeeze Odok between its teeth
[21:20] «!» [Gwyndolin]
[21:23] This time, upon seeing Teresa being seriously wounded again, Gwyndolin took the holy symbol in both hands and fell to her knees, as if he had taken the dinosaur’s blow himself. The prayer sounded more desperate and emotional, which was not normal for the ever so frigid Aasimar. A single tear trickled from his eyes as the prayer in heaven failed a few hiccups [Healing Word].
[21:24] Gwyndolin Calabastra rolled 3d4 + 7 = 19 {[4, 4, 4] + 7} << Healing >>
[21:24] Extra from Gwyndolin Calabastra: -1
[21:24] «!» Gwyndolin’s prayer seems to have great effect, closing some of the woman’s exposed wounds, which seems more revitalized
[21:25] «!» As if the injuries to Odok sustained her, the woman strikes more brutally against the enemy, striking hard and fast with her long golden-bladed sword.
[21:25] Angelloh rolled 1d20 + 7 = 13 {[6] + 7}
[21:25] Angelloh rolled 1d20 + 7 = 9 {[2] + 7}
[21:26] Angelloh rolled 1d10 + 3 + 2d8 + 2d8 = 22 {[1] + 3 + [1,7] + [8,2]}
[21:28] «!» The woman runs and jumps on the creature, slashing its sturdy skin, unable to pierce it. When she would return with her blade, she crosses the tendon behind one of the creature’s legs, causing it to fall just as Odok would have done before. She then climbs the creature’s back and begins to stock the creature’s head several times with its sword. Odok manages to break free in time so he won’t be crushed inside the tyrannosaurus’s mouth when he falls to the ground. After the creature was well dead and everyone’s adrenaline was slowly passing, Teresa would still be slicing the tyrannosaurus’s head>

Part 7 roleplay after combat

[21:32] The hobgoblin gets up tired and injured, but looks at Teresa and bowing, says, “Thank you for your help in this fight, and I’m sorry we couldn’t protect her properly.” Wiping the blood from the blade, the devastating man watches the scene of the dead animals and sighs, dissatisfied with his performance.
[21:32] Gwyndolin wiped his eyes as he rearranged physically and emotionally, walking gracefully to the hobgoblin and kneeling beside him, lightly touching his hand as if to stay still and wrapping his wounds in bandages and bandages. : - Mr. Odok, please stay still for a moment. You were very brave and brave in combat. No need to apologize. Now, quiet.
[21:33] Gwyndolin Calabastra rolled 1d6 + 4 = 6 {[2] + 4} << Healing First Aid Kit >>
[21:33] He shrugged, letting those talk to each other. He went to the bodies of the dead soldiers to analyze the damage done to them. He tried to let the allies take care of the wound’s health.
[21:33] Odok Azurai’s Vital Points: +6
[21:35] ** NPC: The woman would have an enraged look as she kept striking the creature’s head several times. After a few seconds she finally stops and analyzes the bodies for a few moments, then she climbs off the monstrosity and slowly walks toward the bodies as she says, trying to disguise the pain she felt - I need to bury the bodies of Sir Astolf and Sir Teodisio . You … You can go back to camp. You can hear your voice get a little shaky at the end>
[21:35] «!» The bodies of the knights would be ruined, their armor in pieces and their bodies shattered>
[21:37] When she finished with the hobgoblin’s bandages, Gwyndolin turned to the Inquisitor, saying in a respectful but vehement tone, “I will not go anywhere until I allow you to finish taking care of your injuries, Mrs. Teresa.” . You hurt yourself a lot more than you should in this fight. Let me play my part and take care of you.
[21:39] I didn’t like the idiocy of burying the dead. Why stick a possible weapon in a hole to be forgotten? No, they need to be taken advantage of. It conjured Animate Dead in one of them.
[21:39] The hobgoblin says, “If you allow me, I’d rather stay here doing your guard, ma’am.” I will not disturb, but I will be aware of the danger.
[21:41] «!» As Arkay uttered the magic words of the conjuration to bring one of the knights to life, he would notice that the dead man could not be too damaged, shattered to a point that even as a skeleton he would be rendered unusable.
[21:42] «!» He does not finish his casting knowing that he would be useless and, if he succeeded, he would be a badly damaged undead. Noticing this, Teresa comes to his side and stares at him with suspicious eyes, then turns her gaze to the bodies and comments
[21:44] ** NPC: - What were you doing? She asks, then slowly bends down to gather the body pieces together. She does it slowly, she doesn’t seem to want it. So while performing this task, she says - They have served with me in eight battles since I left the Ornoir Fencing Academy. Now they have been killed by jungle beasts and will be buried as indigents in distant lands… She looks shaken>
[21:46] He shrugged to see that it would have more work than a result. The body was of very poor quality, and apparently the human would disturb her ways. I would drop as I was and would sit in a corner against a tree while I wait for the group to treat each other.
[21:48] - I’m sure they would be happy to be avenged by their colleague and treated with such respect, Ms. Teresa. What is in your hands is being done. Let the weight of your conscience soften, ”Gwyndolin said, as she removed more bandages and bandages and took care of her injuries. This time, his hands glowed with a pale pink light along with his eyes. The touch was hot.
[21:48] Gwyndolin Calabastra rolled 1d6 + 9 = 12 {[3] + 9} << Healing Hands and First Aid Healing >>
[21:50] Odok pays attention to Teresa’s words and says: - Ms. Teresa. If you allow me, I came from a warrior people. We were born to fight and prove ourselves in battle, so I understand the feeling of losing allies. But know that the most honorable way to die is on the battlefield. If you wish, I can perform the rite of honor I learned as a soldier. - Odok remains focused and focused, without looking or showing compassion for the remains of the bodies.

Part 8 end

[21:51] ** NPC: - Thank you for your words and your treatment, Mr. Gwyndolin. She says, sitting on the floor while being treated. She then turns her gaze to Odok and says, she’s no longer so serious and looks a little downcast, but seems to be trying hard not to let her emotional hit her - I don’t want to offend your customs, Mr. Odok, but I believe they would wish that I should perform a ceremony according to Onoir’s faith and the old Commandments.
[21:52] * After the battle against the overgrown lizards, Selphie found herself covered in the blood of the creatures. The elf was fast, but not so fast. It had been a simple combat and Gwyn proved extremely helpful. The smaller lizard, however, seemed to be holding on… or bored. Not surprised to see the human having difficulties, after all was only human. What really surprised him was that Odok had a lot of difficulties, that was unusual. I would not comment on the case because I knew that his master was very sensitive when it came to his performance. She judged him in silence. *
[21:53] «!» <
[21:54] «!» After treatment, she removes one of her shoulder pads and uses it as a makeshift shovel to dig two graves by the roadside. There she would bury the remnant of the knights’ bodies, leaving the rest of their armor beside them, but she would carry with them their swords and their sacred charms. She would prepare the soil with holy water that she would carry with her and say a short, low prayer, following Onoir’s commandment book.
[21:56] «!» After the ceremony, she returns with the group to their camp. There they would prepare their beds and divide into night watches, but it would be remarkable that Teresa would not sleep so well. During different times of night and dawn, the group would feel as if they were being watched. Each one of them, except Selphie, would have lived dreams of a strange lizard-male male riding one of the “tyrannosaurs,” but this male would be different from Arkay and his species. This male would be more robust and would wear strange jewels over his body, as well as mount the creature by sitting on a kind of small throne made of stone and gold.
[21:56] «!» - OC -

oh god oh fuck

45 damage casually
total bullshit

I totally need sleep

the party was:
Odok the mage/fighter
Mirro the mage/bard
Selphie the mage
Gwyndolin the mage/cleric
and Arkay the mage/druid or mage/ranger idk

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wait mage is wizard in en

fun fact on translating classes to portuguese
you have sorcerer, warlock and wizard
the closest translation to sorcerer is sorcerer
the closest translation of warlock is warlock
the closest translation to wizard is sorcerer (as Stardew Valley translated it) or warlock (as Harry Potter translated it)
so we translated wizard as mage
and I get people confused every fucking time when I talk about mages in dnd5e

My Dnd character has an AC of 23
Lvl 8

A guy on my part has up to 22 AC level 5 or 6

Shield Grappling is fun

@discobot roll 20d6