in return you can ask me all the time how to go to the elemental planes
Welp I’m definitely not hitting that
we have a
lawful neutral
and a chaotic neutral
Heck yeah how about a chaotic evil
I technically could put in a skill point to know planes stuff
i mean Vex’s flavor is that she is a pirate who loves stealing from literally anybody so yea}
chaotic neutral fits her
Imagine having 1d10 as your hit dice as a sorc, having literally 120 speed, and auto becoming eldritch knight on level 6 and still not being best member of your party
As you can see I fight for my friends
Do you want to do a test run of how these characters work in a vacuum
yes cause i am dum dum and like to test characters out before hand
This sheet is making my character too buff
I tinkered a bit to find a way to make values actually reasonable
Where’s the low intelligence
I need a low intelligence character to flex on
I cant find off topic
-1 int 4head