[Interest Check] i42 Forums Community Play by Post Pathfinder Campaign

Probably not much in money and more in items

fucking peasant

why are you even here

please ignore the fact i only have 115 gp

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Is your chara all cattish?

what does that mean she’s not a furry

If she would have something against an edgy half-orc

i mean
historically pirates are pretty tolerant so as long as they do their job she wouldnt care

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@Maxwell ETA on camapign start?

uh maybe in a few days

1-3 days?

probably like 2-4

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humans get a third feat right @Geyde

You got base one feat, and then an additional feat because human


you get one free feat every odd level, and some classes give extra feats or other class-specific selectable features beyond that.

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there are also feat trees/chains with feats that have prerequisites in a chain

@discobot roll 1d20

:game_die: 10


I’m getting acid