[Interest Check] i42 Forums Community Play by Post Pathfinder Campaign

also are evil and neutral alignments allowed for this?


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Could you describe how you dm in regards to playerā€™s ā€œstoriesā€

any non-evil alignment and lawful evil are always allowed in any party. if anyone wants to be neutral evil or chaotic evil however i must make the party evil and the enemies good

I try to add in content relevant to charactersā€™ backstories, such as adding in characters that they could relate to more than what appear in the adventure path
I am capable of homebrewing, just not making the entire game homebrew

I havenā€™t done pathfinder before
Thisā€™ll be interesting

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I mean more in the ā€œdoes dm roll fudgeā€ category

what does that mean

do you cheat with rolls

If player [x] gets absurdly back luck at which point they will die to no fault of there own, will you fudge rolls to keep them alive

what does cheating mean

Fudge means change results

i mean do you want me to

i have experience both not doing that and doing that depending on the difficulty of the game

Itā€™s not necessary
I just wanted to know going in

and depending on how attached a player is to their character

i would probably let the players choose

on one hand i dont like messing with the integrity of RNG too often but on the other i dont like forcing people to discard characters they really love

thoughts on a kleptomaniac chaotic neutral halfling rogue who likes stealing things that begin with vowels?

is it stupid enough to work?

i should say that any 3rd party content present on https://www.d20pfsrd.com/ is guaranteed to be allowed. Anything else is subject to my approval