[Interest Check] i42 Forums Community Play by Post Pathfinder Campaign

I’m editing my sheet at a slug’s speed but still editing

just checking if you are down to play

I’m down

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pathfinder is majority
ping me or geyde if you need help with character creation as i understand it well

I will soon. Could u link me the playershandbook though. Is it on thetrove.net

Is it 2e or 1e

plus there’s a dropbox for the books sonewgere

ill do char creation tonight around 9 CST

gonna be studying for finals any time before then.


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finals are highkey overrated

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kai no

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kai these determine whether or not i can take honors/AP next year for history + english and honors history is the best way to get into AP econ and gov which i want to do.

so im stressing a little bit. espescially for english

We live in a society

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btw important reminder maybe for interactions
my blood is more on the orc side than the human side

i shouldn’t be on this forum but english is my last and scariest final and i just spent like 4 hours studying it so i need a break

Marshal shouldn’t see this message

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kai yes

wait is it accomplished by CSS or somethin?

i can see this lmao

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studying for long periods of time is ineffective