[Interest Check] [Misc] [Discussion Thread] BotF IV Interest Check & Discussion Thread V2


(joke is not reading rolecard)



i still dont get how, due to how the story teller’s role functions, a single player can ruin an entire traveller role

like if theyre kinda funny, but in a way you deem to not be okay, then dont give them the protection, and talk to them and explain this.
or give them the protection, but tell them that doing that again will make them not get the protection offered by the role

or, make the way to gain death immunity via deviant different.
it doesnt have to be humor

PSA: The character under the name “Arbiter” has changed. The previous demon here was too swingy, we decided, so we replaced it with a different unreleased demon character. Please let @Marshal or I know if you have any questions about this setup.

i’ve probably gotten it banned in multiple games

What did u do

Terrible, terrible things.

Tell me UwU

pissed off multiple people and compromised game integrity

hell’s librarian was breached, just to put it simply

hell’s librarian (everyone has to shut the fuck up or something bad happens) was put into play multiple times
and broken once

Well yeah, deviant trumps hell’s librarian

Now Arbiter fulfills the wallpost classcard text meme haha

how tho

hell’s librarian doesnt necessarily kill, and thats the only thing deviant protects against.
if you breached hell’s librarian, you could get your vote taken away still

i wasn’t the one who broke HL


well in that case the ST doesnt have to punish the person if they thought they didnt deserve it.

and again, deviant doesnt have to be humor based if the ST doesnt want it that way