[Interest Check] [Misc] [Discussion Thread] BotF IV Interest Check & Discussion Thread V2

Side note: im more likely to consider a re-renaming request if it’s FoL or some SFoL-themed or from a forumer’s username


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done lol


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i dont really like kanye lol

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N.1 has been banned from the forums

eminem, 50 cent, and outkast are all better


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rap music bad

i agree with the 78 year old catholics on this one

ok do u like any of their songs other than Hey ya?

katze or Fool

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BOB, of course

which do u want
i’ll go with that

can’t be fool as that’s the name of an official class

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oh wait ye

katze it is

oh shit there is fool in botc isnt there

“I am katze, please execute me to fulfill my wincondition”

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Rename Katze to Orangeandblack5
Keep the claim condition to require a jester claim

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