[Interest Check] [Misc] [Discussion Thread] BotF IV Interest Check & Discussion Thread V2

“you lose” = your alignment loses

Luxy cannot neighbor the demon if it exists: Pregame modrule

I agree I renamed like 2 people that game

if the ability changes the gamestate (the most obvious example being to kill), it is guaranteed to fail if you’re drunk

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DatBird -> street urchin
Gandalf -> DatBird

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Im not getting rid of the luxy
So the Luxy cannot neighbor the demon if it is rolled

The Luxy

I’ll find it hilarious when someone mysteriously swaps seats away from a player because they’re the closest living person to them

Perhaps i should get rid of the Luxy lol
good chance he could neighbor the demon eventually

“Your alive neighbors might malfunction”

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is this okay @Italy
if not i’ll probably replace it with the cannibal

i might suggest adding a vig minion, like assassin or psyc- i mean uh

what’s a good name for a dayvig?
the thing about courtier is that if they nail the demon there are still minion killers to disable courtier

Alternatively you could say it cannot affect demon

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this cannot exist because it’s impossible for the mole to bluff

Perfect ty

my greatest achievement


That is better than the former

Just say “The closest living good player”

Tf is this

Nah it should be able to affect minions or it’s useless (can’t even be considered a townsfolk)