[Interest Check] [Misc] [Discussion Thread] BotF IV Interest Check & Discussion Thread V2

incorrect; it does

i donā€™t think italy was referencing the syndicate

If one person loses/wins, the entire team is taken with them.

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ā€œyou win/you loseā€ = your team wins/loses

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all text which says ā€œyou winā€ or ā€œyou loseā€ constitute alternate endgame conditions that end the game early if they are satisfied and win or lose for the entire team

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katze pls

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italy: nobody will get it
also italy: makes a reference to a game that is memed to shit in front of people who have played it or memed about it


Eevee is mega yikes then

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itā€™s usable

Really good chance for a guess as a Hail Mary at the end of the game

i didnā€™t expect anyone to remember templar

not necessarily
all the minions in this game are here for a reason: because they are fully fakeable by the Eevee

If youā€™re good at convincing the demon youā€™re not the Eevee (if one spawns), you can do well

i thought you meant the other templar that only a few people would really get

dies irae was an ability that marked people for death

Fun fact: The four minions in this script are the only minions among all of the released and known unreleased minion roles that are fakeable by the Eevee.

(well except for the mastermind which is out because it doesnā€™t work with any of the demons here according to Tan).


but weā€™re talking bout tol classes and you bring up the templar

you can make it better odds than a 1 in 3 or a 1 in 4 by hoodwinking the demon

You have to change its name to Gun Boi