Interesting Idea to make Marshal a little more useful as Unseen convert

The Marshal’s current Investigative abilities run a little too similar to the Mastermind’s. Why not change the Marshal’s abilities, probably Snoop, but Probe would be better, and give him the ability to change what people look like tomorrow if they are executed in court. Call it Slander or something else so its not too similar to the Scorned’s nightly ability Frame. This way people won’t just shout and point out that, “That sheriff hasn’t found anything in X days.” It could only frame characters who could be converted, so no Evil Prince or Evil Alchs/Kings, and would only last the following day in court, but wouldn’t actually make them look unseen if they were investigated by say the Sheriff. This would give the Marshal the ability to actually lie about what they were doing, which the way I see it is the primary theme the devs are going for with the evil factions. Just an interesting thought I had after watching/playing the game for a bit. Would also have the potential to slow down whether or not you automatically take the sheriff at his word, since he could just as easily be a lying Marshal who has Slandered someone.

Interesting addendum, all possible Slanders the Marshal could perform would likely have logs that their evil counterparts would lie about having. A Sage would lie about MBing, A Servant would lie about Partying, a Alcoholics and Drunks practically have the same abilities, Poacher’s would lie about Bearing and possibly even Wolfing, Duchess would lie about Wisping and can already basically Flirt with Bat Eyelashes, Aristocrats and Nobles are just like Drunks/Alcoholics and have the same abilities, Enforcer’s would lie about guarding people.


Marshal is currently the best scum invest in the game by far. This change is not needed


Yeah but do you actually need to investigate people twice as much as the Unseen, since the Mastermind can already investigate people with his second nightly ability? Or why would you need to look at a player’s Journal when you can already tell what they class are. Its not like you can bring it up during the day as that would out you as Marshal, and why would you need to know exactly what the BD/Neuts were doing on the previous days?

Look at prince logs


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Then why do you need to investigate the class if you can just peek prince logs and find claims?

To find out he’s prince?



Couldn’t the Mastermind equally do this with his Investigative ability? It might be a little inaccurate since it doesn’t differentiate between neuts/nk/prince, but you can investigate 2 journals now as Marshal and could just ask your MM the following night what he got from his Investigating.

You can’t tell the difference between a drunk and a physician as mastermind lol


But who cares who the drunk’s debauching or the who the phys is healing previous nights, I’ll give you that peeking the prince, mystic, or king is useful, but who a knight guarded, or who a drunk debauched, or who a phys healed etc…seems less than useful. Plus you can’t really lie right now as a Marshal, just stall and wait to be killed.

I care actually

I would love to know who’s who


Right for claims, but not what they’ve done on previous nights.

Sometimes a limited ability is better than a unlimited one

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I guess if Mastermind couldn’t investigate then I wouldn’t have a problem at all with current Marshal. But its seems like having 2 abilities to investigate without any ability to deceive BD is less than what I would call appropriate for the evil faction.

I think the only reason he can investigate is so he can do something at night besides converting

And I like that I do, but its redundant for the Marshal, granted its stronger investigation abilities but if all he needs is claims to figure out who people are,then just Snoop The King, then tell MM to Invest whoever hasn’t claimed to king while you Slander one of the claims, then if the MM tells you they’re not convertible Snoop them.

You can’t snoop the king.


I’m surprised your not actually talking about Duchess

I mean duchess is more similar to MM then any other unseen convert rn


My personal feelings on the matter are that each Unseen convert, other than the MM and Assassin, should have abilities that help them to lie in court. Herbalists have Drug, Sages can Tornado like Wizards, Aristocrats/Alcoholics/Servants/Nightwatch already do pretty much exactly what their counterparts do during the night, so lying isn’t difficult for them. Illusionists Mind Warping helps them if targeting the right investigators. And that would leave Poacher/Duchess/Marshal/Enforcer.

Now Enforcer and Poacher have unique abilities that no other class posses, and that makes them incredibly useful to the Unseen. Multi-day occupation Snare Trap and Night Immunity Piercing Frenzy are solid abilities. However they both have a hard time lying in court so they won’t last over the long run. Poacher could claim Butler, but other Unseen can more easily claim the class they formally were, and not worry about there being too many claims of those classes. Enforcer is out in the cold for the most part in the lying aspect.

That leaves Marshal and Duchess. I already had the idea for Marshal by just thinking about what they would need in order to make them more effective liars. They need some way of acting like a sheriff, and that would require them to have an ability we haven’t seen yet, namely changing what someone appears as after they are executed in court.

For the Duchess, she already can lie using her Bat Eyelashes ability, she shares an ability with her previous class and would be able to substantiate her lies, by showing her logs, which would have accurate information similar to what a Princess would have. That leaves her second ability which changes what the Unseen appear as for that night, and I’m not sure I like what the game makes them appear as since the Assassin and MM may claim differently to what the Duchess makes them appear to be. It would be better if she could control this to make them each appear as a specific class that she decides, like face lift for three people. Which would be quite powerful at hiding the Unseen.

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