Intermittent Saturday Announcement [Team Player awards]

audience is right
arete stop being dumb smh

we call that a convert into loss
anyways, on a serious note
i like it.

What if we made it nomination based?
Aka person a nominating person b for the most improved (or ‘very improved’ or someth) and saying they did x y and z better this game than in there past or something

Instead of voting most team effort let’s vote worst team effort and whoever loses is banned from forum forever.


This is a good idea.

That’s a horrible idea.
Everyone has rights.
But in all seriousness I think DybuDabu was a Town Team Player Tbh.

Oh, so this was what it meant.
…wouldn’t 4 people hypothetically be able to:

  • Player 1 and 2 do not vote.
  • Player 3 and 4 vote Player 1 and 2.

–wouldn’t this give 0 points for all of them?

Player 1 and 2 have - 1 votes

Wait, no. These are separate awards, so…
…huh. The different categories limits the votes a bit for me to see the loopholes.

Wait, they are different alignments?

There’s more than 4 people in a game

Alignment & Number, TMVP, SMVP

  • T1, ___, S2
  • S2, T1, ___
  • T3, T1, S2

…is this it? A 2:1 ratio for a neutral score of 0?
–technically everyone can have -2 points for not voting, but I’d rather find the possible worthless results like “all zero”.

Hosts have votes and they break ties. If two hosts tie each other then a host-off must be had. :popcorn:

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Well… that ought to be “fun”.
Oh well. Good luck to future players.