Intermittent Saturday Announcement [Team Player awards]

Welcome to the Weekly Monday Discussion studio, we interrupt your regular daily broadcasting with a special announcement! I’m your host, AreteBird, joining you with DatBird and ChlebBird.

Audience: It’s not Saturday or Monday!!!

AreteBird: In any case, you’re probably wondering why we’re interrupting your regularly scheduled programming. Well, we have a special announcement to make! This announcement is on the subject of awards.

We know this topic is important to you, which is why we polled you on it.

Now as you can see, there was general support for the idea, but some players still opposed it.

DatBird: Won’t creating awards just lead to the same players getting awards every time?

AreteBird: We know a lot of you had concerns about that, which is why we’ve decided to listen to the general trend of feedback and create an award for the Best Team Player.

Since anyone, regardless of skill or experience level, can be a good team player, this should ensure that everyone has a fair chance at winning such an award. We know that not everyone is happy with this solution, but we’ve been trying our best to come up with a compromise that will satisfy people. Of course, if this ends up causing more problems than it solves, we can always go back to not having awards.

ChlebBird: How many awards will be given out, and what are the criteria for selection?

AreteBird: Well, based on the results of our pulling, the data suggests that two awards – one for town and one for scum – is the most popular option.

Each award seeks to recognize the player who did the best job cooperating with their team and working with other players. We know that with scum this can sometimes be more complicated, but plays such as bussing and distancing do not disqualify someone for this award, as long as the scum who bussed was working with their partners to pursue their mutual goals.

DatBird: How will the winners of each award be selected?

AreteBird: After a game concludes, all players may submit a vote in their role card (or through PM, if scum) for the best team player for both town and scum. Players who fail to submit a vote in a timely manner will have two votes deducted from their score. Each host may likewise submit a vote. Host votes and votes by scum for the best scum team player will count double. Ties will be broken by the hosts; additionally, players who violated the rules or acted in an unsportsmanlike manner during the game may be disqualified at the discretion of the hosts or moderators.

ChlebBird: What if someone is doing a really good job of working with their team as town, and then gets converted the night before the game ends?

AreteBird: We know that conversion games are popular on this site. When voting, if a player was a member of multiple alignments during the game, try to consider their teamwork as each alignment – for instance, consider the portion of the game when they were town when voting for the town teamwork award. However, you may only vote a given player for one award, and each player may only win a teamwork award for one alignment in a given game; if they would win both teamwork awards, they will receive the award for which they had a higher percentage of votes, and the other award will go to the player with the second most votes.

DatBird: Where are winners announced?

AreteBird: There will be a special thread that announces winners, and records all previous winners.


best team player awards yay

does the mod application process involve not knowing what day of week it is literally ever


of course we know what day it is

why would we make a Saturday announcement on any day other than Saturday

if it were on some other day it would be a [that day] announcement

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why does this exist

because if you don’t vote your chance of getting an award is higher since you can’t selfvote and ate

to stop players from strategically not voting to gain an advantage



What if I don’t vote because I have no idea how to vote because I haven’t read enough of the game to know who has been best

Then two votes will be deducted from your vote total

Can I use a random number generator

I forsee this going poorly but maybe I’m wrong who knows


If it goes poorly we’ll stop doing them

this was, uh, a slightly contentious issue :eyes:

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spy poll energy ngl

I’m not sure how you’re imagining that we’d stop you but it’s not really in the spirit of the award

is there any reason to not try it

its not like this is set in stone and cannot be changed ever again

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Make marshal drive to my house and spy on me

Because we already did in the past :thinking:

how long ago

if it was like, 2 years ago, the site is very different now

and if it doesn’t pan out well it can just be :b:onked

Barely over a year ago

Did you even read any of the last thread discussing this