Intermittent Saturday Announcement [Team Player awards]

Improvement is really open to interpretation in a social deduction game though

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And the other part is because MVP awards never stood a chance of reducing toxicity. If anything, they’d cause more.

Highlighting and encouraging teamplay is probably more likely to succeed at achieving its desired result (improving the level of play) than crowning MVPs was at reducing toxicity, but I still believe the downsides will outweigh the perceived benefits in the long term and I honestly still can’t see this as a positive change overall. :man_shrugging:

I feel like I’ve already explained why I feel this way well enough considering I’m not super active in FM atm, and yes, it is revert-able, but I feel like we’ve been here before and I really don’t think you “throwing a fit” had much to do with the outcome (perhaps beside hastening it).

this system
fucking sucks

You’re going to have to try harder and be more proactive to improve sitewide play than trying to find a catch all
If there was a catch all that worked, wouldn’t we have found it by now with multitudes upon multitudes of people all trying to find a solution

your problem comes from 3 areas:

  1. people don’t care to improve for whatever reason
  2. people aren’t interested in the games they join for whatever reason
  3. you have unrealistic expectations of how much effort people are going to put into a recreational activity

okay so when those conflict with each other how do you suggest we fix them then :roll_eyes:

If I had a solution that actually worked then I would have stated it
I’m saying this because I’ve tried to come up with a solution and have found nothing

We are about to have practical evidence relating the awards
Why are we theorising about it’s potential outcomes

This is against the rules
It falls under Outside of Game Influence, which falls under angleshooting

It wouldn’t hurt to explicitly state it for a new system. You could say a similar thing for guessing who alts are.

audience is right
arete stop being dumb smh

we call that a convert into loss
anyways, on a serious note
i like it.

What if we made it nomination based?
Aka person a nominating person b for the most improved (or ‘very improved’ or someth) and saying they did x y and z better this game than in there past or something

Instead of voting most team effort let’s vote worst team effort and whoever loses is banned from forum forever.


This is a good idea.

That’s a horrible idea.
Everyone has rights.
But in all seriousness I think DybuDabu was a Town Team Player Tbh.

Oh, so this was what it meant.
…wouldn’t 4 people hypothetically be able to:

  • Player 1 and 2 do not vote.
  • Player 3 and 4 vote Player 1 and 2.

–wouldn’t this give 0 points for all of them?

Player 1 and 2 have - 1 votes

Wait, no. These are separate awards, so…
…huh. The different categories limits the votes a bit for me to see the loopholes.

Wait, they are different alignments?

There’s more than 4 people in a game

Alignment & Number, TMVP, SMVP

  • T1, ___, S2
  • S2, T1, ___
  • T3, T1, S2

…is this it? A 2:1 ratio for a neutral score of 0?
–technically everyone can have -2 points for not voting, but I’d rather find the possible worthless results like “all zero”.

Hosts have votes and they break ties. If two hosts tie each other then a host-off must be had. :popcorn:

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Well… that ought to be “fun”.
Oh well. Good luck to future players.