Invitation to Mafia Championship (Season 6) - Voting Phase II!

The… madman…

He doesn’t know what he has done.

Honestly whoever attempts this at some time, applause. :smile:

When I’m town that is.

I’d just deathtunnel them out of thread at that point

I’m sort of ashamed of how bad my arguments are when I don’t think about them lmao


You could also run as backup? :thinking:

Nominations list. Ping me if I miss someone or you decline already.


Wait did someone non-jokingly nominate @NinjaPenguin?

Not to imply he doesn’t deserve it but A he’s mostly PokeBeach and B he went last year

I mean this is just nominating, not voting yet.

I only didn’t count Memesky and to be honest NP has been in quite some games here as well. You might only discount him because he is also active somewhere else and I feel that’s a weird way to discount someone.


If we send Memesky we will win the moral victory

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No it’s moreso because I’d rather not send a repeat player


NP and I were in the same game last year

That’s why he’s here

Because we discovered how cool he was and thought it’d be sweet to see more of him, so we invited him over

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Because that’s how it was done last year? :thinking: :smile:

We literally couldn’t send a repeat player last year even if we wanted to?

No, I meant the nomination + voting system that I thought you were referring to.

No I meant why not Memesky

He meets the criteria

Because they haven’t been active in ages and I’m totally fine in discriminating against him for nominations here if you’re serious.


It’s been like 5 months

That’s not that long in the world of FM

And it certainly shouldn’t be long enough to disqualify somebody unless that’s a generic rule we set beforehand (and as of rn it’s not?)

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Okay, I’m over it. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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Either way it should just be a game over the past year or similar

I don’t see him winning the vote anyways, so either write rules that apply to everyone or don’t exclude him :stuck_out_tongue: