Invitation to Mafia Championship (Season 6) - Voting Phase II!

this isn’t a country

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also people were selling the guns on the streets (translators online)

Ok but for real if it’s banned to have a weapon in first place then it’s ofc illegal to even have it on table

It’s not illegal to have the gun in your copy and paste so we are good

Technically, coming from a law enforcement standpoint:

You left the gun in reachable distance of people. It was loaded, with a bullet in the chamber, and not even locked up. So it would technically be considered “Criminal Negligence”

You didn’t percieve the risk, but it was still there, and you took it.

The table is the forum

I put a note next to it specifically saying to not touch the gun (I put a text next to the bomb saying to NOT open the details)

Forum can ban you
Table can’t

Making a bomb=crime
Making zalgo bomb=ban

Yes, that’s seriously illegal, because you own the gun and you can’t just leave it lying around unprotected. That is called proper handling of firearms. You are responsible if someone gets shot with that.

You should know better as an American


The note is sort of useless in this, as a suicidal person/child could’ve gotten the gun.

It’s illegal here

Alright let’s assume that the forum is some friends house

The friends invited everyone over and he told us that guns were allowed to be on the table since he’s weird

Children aren’t allowed here as well

Having a bomb is already illegal regardless of where

Forum didn’t allow those guns in this case

Then the note example says to not shoot yourself and the note is on the tables with all the guns

It’s a gun not a bomb

If a child walks in then it’s the adult’s fault for them coming in