[Its A Turbo] Popcorn Mafia

5 minutes left.

shoot sulit wolfy popin


ive got two tickets to paradise

chloe memeing as cover?

I’d shoot darth

Chloe do something or ur lining up to be shot 2

I meme no matter what I am. I’d shoot kat - hes not acting normal. He hasnt accused me

chloe is my sister and all i do is meme

why does nobody call me out for it but only my sister

darth/chloe distancing boom game solved

I am thinking about shooting either of those too… Or maybe not.

game is already solved darth/chloe scumteam

im willing to pet my cat if im wrong

nvm he accused me now

start petting

Darth/chloe ez clap

Thanks katsay

3 minutes left.

and so the prophecy continues

Shot should be Ami or N.1

id shoot chloe first personally

/Shoot Chloe

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If Chloe is wolf scumbud yelling in scumchat

But would darth yell?

Maybe not


Stop talking.

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@Chloe has been shot!

They were Mafia

@Boss110 still has the gun. Day ends in 10 minutes.

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