[Its A Turbo] Popcorn Mafia


oh wait fuck i think we lose

@Italy has been shot!

@Marshal has died! He was Town (obviously)

@Italy is now the gunbearer and they have 10 minutes to shoot.

Marshal what the hell are you searching.

im getting pizza, shoot me if you like. knights dont exist

marshal got a thicc thumb

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i have princess bride references for days

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I have nothing but random memes.

i dont mean to pry - but do you happen to have six fingers on your right hand?

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okay so it’s only us 3 left, right?

images (54)
Here is one.


Because the other still lived in our hearts.

and shurian is…not alive?

i mean i wont cry if you shoot me but like,

okay i might cry

shurian is just lurking, not in game

No matter what happens I will still cry anyway.


boss what is your favorite powerranger