Joat9 spec chat

Counterpoint: Marshal exists

Yes sulit!

sulit ily.

2 Hours until EoD and nobody is voting either of the scummy people.

I wouldn’t have faith in that if I were you, Kyo. I tried, but to no avail.

Well then…

sup kyo


not going that well is it

I am not happy, at all

jane are you informed?

I hope Arete loses no matter their alignment
That patronising attitude was absurdly uncalled for
I do not like it

They’re trying to teach people the game and justify their ‘common’ wolf tell reads
What an absolute muppet

Then we have the jokers that are katze + Marshal who think they’ve caught me off of a game theory read
A fucking game theory read
And I’m correct in this instance
We should be able to rely on PR’s not spewing themselves

I am, yeah.

kyo wanna know scum?

ye idk what seth did

thats like the 3rd game in a row his mech play hasnt been great

kat scum

thats all i know


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Yes I do want to know

imagine a kat/arete and chloe/vul hydra game

the battle of the soulreads


Katshal (Very obvi)
DogBird (Less obvi)

yeah removing it in case ppl dotn watn to get spoiled just click thel ink above if u wanna see