[JOJO GW FM] Dead Chat

I could see the argument but don’t think it’s necessarily the case

Although the odds of our neighborhood being pure are basically zero and I individually wolfread Uni

Possessed, assuming you’re town, I think you’re assuming that because Marshal did something as town in another game, he’s town here, without considering whether he would do it as Mafia as well

He just gets scumread for doing exactly that in other games and is town. If anything, he’s been NAI.

Why is it so important to you to defend Marshal?

Marshal also has a tendency to push people to out claims as town which can be AI.

It isn’t. My read could be wrong, but I just don’t see it.

I think its very likely Marshal is the hang tomorrow anyway.

You convinced me on Universal, though.

Wait we can send a message?

I kind of wish I could opt out of this just to get spoilers, like why would we keep up with the game when they won’t listen us ever

I can give one person each day the ability to send a 25 character message.

They’ll be more likely to.listen to confirmed Town than anyone Tbh…and I am your vessel. Plus…I want to discuss my reads here so I need you guys to keep up with the game.

Just an FYI I DO have a use of one of your abilities available to start as well.

Can you explain in more detail how that works, like, is it ‘you get a use of our infinite-use night ability’ or is it more complicated?

Channel Spirits (Night): You may use one of Target Dead Players night abilities as long as they are a JoBro (1 uses)

How long are you expecting to survive, because that changes the optimal choice here

Fate (Night): Target player is fated to die, if they are lynched tomorrow get one use of Channel Spirits. If they are not lynched tomorrow, fate will take away 1 use from all of your abilities. (infinite uses)

(That’s how I gain more charges)

With my PR accidental outing…not long.

Then you should probably either cop a nullread so we can get another clear, or use Nuclear’s thing to vig one of the obvscum people

Omg. I just realized the last part of that ability.

I either use and ability or no-action here.

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I’m gonna cop Universal. Sounds decent?