[JOJO GW FM] Dead Chat

Emilia is super confident I was claimvigged and it kind of feels like TMI

Hippo is unfortunately V

Wolf Hippo would at least pretend to care

just posting to make sure u can keep posting

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inb4 the limit doesnā€™t apply to PMs and Iā€™m just dumb

is the typo in the title a JoJo reference or an accidental typo?

wait whats a typo?

ā€˜assinatedā€™ is missing an ā€˜assā€™

Im a idiot whos sleepy

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high-key not feeling the /s

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Marshall liked this as well

Lowkey think this is a neighborhood claim

Since apparently thereā€™s still confusion, I did not even slightly claim or soft in the neighborhood

It does

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I did say in there that my first priority was sorting the people in my neighborhood

so itā€™s technically possible that the neighborhood is just full of wolves, and one of them passed that along

584 was a bad post to make but it almost always comes from a villager

Iā€™m going to go ahead and say right now that thatā€™s not it

The neighborhood was me/Squid/Uni/Nuclear/Insanity and like three new people whose names I donā€™t remember

Reading Italy as V based on claim

Pretty sure Nuclearā€™s already claimed it at some point


I was looking forward to being in a neighborhood with you :frowning:

I take this back, I could totally see Italy as Mafia KP who claimed his actual target