[JOJO GW FM] Dead Chat

I’m mildly annoyed that people seem to have decided I’m an SPK target because now I’m probably going to die early a lot

this is the second game in a row where I haven’t lived to play a second day

(first was on another site)

my reads weren’t amazing this game, and the claim I had was only said because it seemed like you would need more than just 1 ability claim to die, based on past game and the flavor

guess I learned that

my reads aren’t even usually good! just leave me alive until mid-game and I’ll do your job for you!

Just get really bad again just for Day 1. Then go guns blazing when u dont die N1

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I assume TL was telling the truth and I had very low chance of dying after Arete was killed.


On the other site I replaced in N1, spent most of D2 tunneling villagers, and still got killed N2

oof rip. Whered ya play?

On other sites I was called bad for a very long time and lived til most endgames.

It’s not that fun either.

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Chief Delphi, Orange needed a replacement because the previous person in my slot decided it was a good idea to text the real-life friend of one of the players to verify whether that player had actually been helping him study for finals

On the other site everyone laughed at My jokes but then I got lynched

Did you hear about the kidnapping?

Apparently he woke up!

I’ve been meme’d as the worst player of my homesite, it’s interesting that people say I’m good here.

We all have small brains down here Expect for me that is

You’re notably good at finding villagers, I noticed that when I was hosting the Mountainous game

Well I got a lot of my mental disorders medicated correctly, that has helped me with mafia games.

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Idk if you want to leave that up or not?

if game is still ongoing

It ended already, otherwise I wouldn’t have posted it

didnt know

Town won in 3p LyLo between Tan, Dat, and Katze

in case you were curious