[JOJO GW FM] Dead Chat

Zone, for the love of Callie, Marie, Pearl, and Marina, don’t fucking shoot anyone else besides Ici!

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certe urbs sum.

Like… I went on a whole rant on how nobody listens to me and I still feel that way now! I’m treated like a used napkin now


I am happy :D. Scum is about to win gameeee


Don’t worry, Doctor Doggo will make you feel better! Hopefully… You might also die from cuteness overload.

I’m more of a cat person… :^)


Plus, nothing can get rid of the pain I feel now that I know that I don’t win any games anymore



Ginger should be kinda clear because 3/5 scum in neigborhood is stupid.

Zone please do an unpredictable ITA on Derps for absolute no reason.

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Zone is melone who learns a one use version of abilities that other have. He just used it on Ici. And Ici has the claimvig or a poison self ability

So Zone gets Ici mech outed?

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I just randed it. He got the virus self


But I’m glad that claimvig will die today (assume there is no way ici remains alive)


Wait why would you want to poison yourself? Just curious.

It gives them better ITA chances, they stated it in main thread

Wait if Zone copied claimvig ability.

He could claimvig Icibalus since Ici claimed flavor?

When he factionals he cleans the kill and infects himself. When infected he gains 15% extra chance to hit itas and 15% extra chance to be hit by them. He can poison himself at night and at day and poisoning urself while poisoned cures it

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Wait, does his virus passive mention a factional kill? and Zone copied that?

No he only got the infection move, no passive. He has no clue what he can do but he can infect himself once