[JOJO GW FM] Dead Chat

Didn’t find it :confused:

I’ll search again tomorrow.

That was basically a win

Marluxion is best man

Hm… What did Derps claim again?

Polpo. Which is his flavor

No, I mean: His abilities.
–also, why were people like astand and Jgoes listing long lists of wins and losses?

We were talking about our W/L records for FM

On this forum, or overall?


…wait. Who has the Arrow again?

Kai does…

Welp. At least nothing too bad will happen then.

I put this game as a loss, think winning with 2 lynches is impossible (with 3 they could probably make it).

With 2 lynches and Luxy making sure his slot is unlynchable - maybe would have been slight chance.

Good activity.


Threads dead :frowning:

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No, this is the dead thread ba da tsh

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Revive me and I’ll revive the thread

Squid has been modkilled from dead chat

Just repost the VC maybe that will work