[JOJO GW FM] Dead Chat

I’m scared of doggos, but I hope your dog gets better soon.

shes a little cutie no fear to be had

After the stand barrag e hell that was yesterday everyone wakes up to three less bodies then yesterday. First we have…

Astand has died they were…

Ghiaccio and White Album

JoBro, La Squadra Esecuzioni, Reflectionist & Role Blocker

An extremely low temperature is a world of life or death

La Squadra Esecuzioni (Passive): You will be in a chat with other members of La Squadra Esecuzioni

White Album(Passive): Immune to occupation and redirection.

Gently Weeps (Day): Any ITA that is aimed against you today that missed will be reflected back at the user at a 10% chance to kill. Once you land a shot with this the ability is over. (2 uses)

Cryokinesis (Night): Freeze a player, roleblocking them. (infinite uses)

White Album Requiem (Day/Night): if you hold the requiem Arrow, and use it on yourself, Gently Weeps now stops all ITAs from hitting you and gains another use.This doesn’t prevent you from using other day/night abilities if used. Otherwise, the arrow goes to your killer or a random lyncher if you hold it upon death. (Only useable with requiem arrow)

Defeat all the Enemy Stand Users

They had the following logs

Astand Logs


N1 - roleblock BlueStorm/sulit/Ninja
D2 - activated reflection
N2 - roleblock Icibalus

Honestly don’t even want to bother writing anything, not my problem anymore.


Kai & Luxy

Evil Ginger


Boss110 has also died they were…

Pesci and Beach Boy

JoBro, La Squadra Esecuzioni, PTSD Serial Killer and ITA Redirector

When I’m confident I wont miss, I go straight for the heart!

La Squadra Esecuzioni (Passive): You will be in a chat with other members of La Squadra Esecuzioni

Big Bro (Passive): If Prosciutto dies you gain resolve and a killing spirit. Gain the ability to use Resolve.

Beach Boy (Day): Choose a player, all ITAs used on them today will fail. (2 uses)

Resolve (Night): Kill Target Player. Can’t use until Big Bro activates it. (3 uses)

Beach Boy Requiem (Day/Night): if you hold the requiem Arrow, and use it on yourself, Beach Boy gains two more uses, and now grabs all day abilities used on target, and redirects them at other target. Resolve also is strongmanned now. This doesn’t prevent you from using other day/night abilities if used. Otherwise the arrow goes to your killer or a random lyncher if you hold it upon death. (Only useable with requiem arrow)

Defeat all the Enemy Stand Users

They had the following logs…

Boss110 Logs


N1 - No action
D2 - No action
N2 - No action

I can’t do anything until Prosciutto died and half of the players is already gone D2
If I died Lastday is scum, he said he is going to protect me tonight (N2)
I think Marshal and Lime is scum, get one if the other flip Enemy Stand. I am not going to put the full list here since it will take too much space so if you want one just ask the people in my neighborhood. The reason why I think this is because Lime was scumreading Marshal early but was so quick to townread him after, his reason is “Marshal do something scum wouldn’t do because it’s stupid” which I find not much convincing since scum does stupid things a lot too
I trust pretty much everyone in my neighborhood tbh with the exception of none poster and Mist. Hippo is kinda meh but I have no reason to suspect him either

Need to paste this here, gotta send one more bit of feedback first

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Did Ginger die, is that why there are three bodies but only two flips?

three less bodies

Wheres the other flip kappa

I’m BD, I can’t read

there is none, only two died

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Thank god I’m dead.

Hippo looks like he got a redcheck

scumteam is


Sulit now Ninja Penguin, Ici, Derps, and Last Day

The stand is a body? Wait

What happened with eevee lmao

Three bodies fewer than there were bodies yesterday morning


Kyle got vigged by Limestone

Lime shot Kyle and Eevee and Kyle died

One flip that I didn’t read.

The attack hit but it wasn’t meant to hit hmm