[JOJO GW FM] Dead Chat

If town doesn’t lynch/ITA Ici after almost killing 1 town, ITA’ing 1 town, and mislynching a green-check then…

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They need to all just pile on itaing Ici so focus wagonomics on last scum tbh. Anyone shooting outside of ici is a fool.

Ici was almost never surviving this day anyway, it was probably worth the chance of shooting an obvious townie


Yeah for sure.

It’s more like a gaslighting than AtE.

I mean him saying “it fucking makes sense PKR” and getting annoyed at not seeing Sulits flip is p obvious ATE too.

I wish theyd killed PKR instead of me dammnit. I rlly thought they wld, i was clearly too active at SoD.

What I mean is Ici likes to tell blatant lies and doubles and triples down on them, in attempt to make others feel there must be something wrong with them instead.

Ici is basically dodging PKR’s demands.

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Sorry if I sounded rude in my logs, but I was pissed as hell that nobody would listen to me when my reads were right


Like when he dodged the question on Lastday

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Should have cfded him when he dodged my question about Lastday with a scumslip lol.

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Please, can someone ITA Ici already? He’s making me more mad the longer he’s AtEing

I’m worried about Ginger vs Zone.

Might lose the game if they keep being dumbasses.

And tbh they are almost always lynched before Derps, so yeah.

Think 80% scum win now.

Zone was also the one who took the hero shot on Derps earlier

if he manages to either ignore the lighter message, or make the connection I’m giving him the highest chances of a heroshot on the deepwolf

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Well maybe, his unpredictability is a tool.

Btw I did search that three hours thing back on D1.

It was said in main thread, by Hippo I think.

I was kinda mad that ITA didn’t hit lol.
