[JOJO GW FM] Dead Chat

Should have been allowed from the start.

:man_shrugging: then there would have been a lot more deaths

Perhaps I’m not clear, factional + 1 action should have been allowed.

yeah thats what we are allowing now. If Eevee could factional and action he would singlehandedly be killing two people per night

Not counting what everyone else could do

is last scum spoiled in here

Yes do u want to know?

yes please

I assume scum without kp did factionals, so it wouldn’t have changed overall kp?

Derps is final scum


Yeah I’m not super surprised

Think town loses now for sure.

Trustworthy did prove PKR innocent though

If they mislynch TL idk whats gonna happen

PKR was already lock clear to anyone who paid attention.

Then again, no one cared, but now I guess he’s even more clear.

TL is mislynched today.

Kai tomorrow probably. Or Ginger.

If Derps is lynched, it’d be due to a random and incorrect reason.


Sadly there is no Luxy anymore.

He’d still have lynched TL, but he would’ve had plan B.