[JOJO GW FM] Dead Chat

Well hopefully kill fails for whatever reason.

If Kai stops the kill with his jailkeeper effect (and no one else uses a protective ability) it could actually be a town win

semi-confirms two town slots

BTW @DatBird can i know what my first effects actually did?
since am dead now

If the JK stops the kill, it’s an auto win for town unless they seriously fuck up

As in disregard a JK flip that stated exactly who they jailed

kill the ho made kills strong manned, and transparancy made you unable to be targeted

May i ask if the strong manning changed anything?

No not that I remember

right now factional is on italy and that means no kill atm since he hiding iirc

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Yeah, I thought that Italy was the optimal kill, but I didn’t know about his hide ability, and neither does Derps it seems.

Tbh villa pretty op

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So this basically confirms Italy and Kai

So they need to not lynch PKR, or clear someone tomorrow night to win

Well since there are two roles that can protect from nightkill, it kinda means neither is clear.

Because you can’t tell 100% who made a save.

since Kai is either the one doing the saving or the one being saved he’s clear though


Italy is hider, so Italy is only saving himself.

Ehh it might be a double death now, the factional is on kai. But Kai hasnt submitted anything yet


how’s our chance looking?

Not very good. I don’t think town will figure out that Derps is scum