[JOJO GW FM] Dead Chat

ahhh true i forgot

he doesnt go to dead chat

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If only I made Notorious BIG a NK that kills every night after death and needed like 3 kills


Also Voting, Plurality or Majority?

both as in they might stalemate it

Did he just solve mechanically


Yeah lol Derps contradicts his info right?

I mean itā€™s PKR what were you expecting

Dumb if so tbh.

Would be pissed if I were Derps.

Does it fit it to a tee tho

Yeah its true

Well if his role can do it, you canā€™t blame him, itā€™s a good play.

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Yeah its an amazing play
Problem is he should have went back to look at the flips first

Derps is absolutely screwed


Unless Ginger thinks its PKR lol


I dunno man
The thing is, he came up with a nice question

And that he clearly has not counted the no. of abilities total scum have (the flips anyway)

So you cant really say PKR pulled that bullshit out from his ass

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The being truthful to the very last moment came to bite Derps from behind. Yikesā€¦

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And Derps is now pushing onto Gingerā€¦?

The correct play is
Derps push onto PKR for bullshitting
But even then Iā€™d like to see how it all plays out