[JOJO GW FM] Dead Chat

SCUM HAS WON. Like I said! Muhahahaha

He’s voting Evil Ginger, he’s obviously not voting right!

Fuck saaaaake

No matter what I do, everyone I’m in a team with always fucks up@

RIP town

I honestly had no hope of them winning once they voted a greencheck tbh

Join the dark side @PoisonedSquid

I mean when I said something you said it agrees with you

But you don’t agree with what I said


I wish I can, Uni, I wish I can

i invoke the powers from the great beyond
dat was actually lying to us making us think the wrong people were scum definitely we’d never guess wrong on this

Shurian? u here?

The dark is powerful.

this hasn’t stopped being slightly mean but

I’m going to like PKR’s post to just troll him lol

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I did that too lol

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Join the dark side. Join it @Arete

Astand angery

Hippo join us.


What did i join