[JOJO GW FM] Dead Chat

at one point cult had a class that let dead cult talk in cult chat im p sure

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idk tho there’s been so many changes this last year or so i’m scared to fully join an FoL cuz if i roll scum imma be fucked cuz i wont know any of the roles lol

Current Apostle, yeah

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thought so

Oh maybe.

So with the removal does that mean no ruling on dead scum chat?

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Apostle can.


They still can:

That means dead scum should really remove themselves from the server bit w/e.

Maybe it’s a passive thing that scum have here idk

but i agree it shld be a mechanic that scum know at start if they can talk in chat when dead, not just “guess ill let u guys talk”


Maybe Derps is a class that lets dead scum talk?

Doubt it tbh

No, otherwise Universal wouldn’t be here.

:man_shrugging: it’s just been a recent trend in mashes so I just allowed it. But this was allowed to late for some scum to talk in here. I apologize to Uni.

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Weird trend.

its not that deep dont worry

looks at latest post


Yeah well its because an integrity break in another game had to get deleted, and that would be seen by those that can see the moderation logs thus even more causing integrity problems. Im sad :frowning:


If kai doesnt wanna do it solo id be v happy hydraing with him for the rest of the game :slight_smile:


Great idea, integrity problems resolved!