[JOJO GW FM] Dead Chat

wait whats a typo?

‘assinated’ is missing an ‘ass’

Im a idiot whos sleepy

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high-key not feeling the /s

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Marshall liked this as well

Lowkey think this is a neighborhood claim

Since apparently there’s still confusion, I did not even slightly claim or soft in the neighborhood

It does

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I did say in there that my first priority was sorting the people in my neighborhood

so it’s technically possible that the neighborhood is just full of wolves, and one of them passed that along

584 was a bad post to make but it almost always comes from a villager

I’m going to go ahead and say right now that that’s not it

The neighborhood was me/Squid/Uni/Nuclear/Insanity and like three new people whose names I don’t remember

Reading Italy as V based on claim

Pretty sure Nuclear’s already claimed it at some point


I was looking forward to being in a neighborhood with you :frowning:

I take this back, I could totally see Italy as Mafia KP who claimed his actual target

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Insanity has the highest W equity of anyone in my neighborhood but to be fair that’s mostly because of the possible slip

does not include the nonposters

In fairness I’m pretty sure that’s just his personality