[JOJO GW FM] La Squadra Esecuzioni

this is outright disabling it
as long as it hits a mafia player it’s good but it’d be great if that specific player was a claimvig

How did they know Possessed’s flavor?

I call bs on the whole flavor thing tbh

Can’t remember who said it but it seems dumb for a claimvig to need flavor or we cld all jsut claim mechanically lol.

nuclear i think

You could say they could figure Nuclear out through some neigborhood shenanigans, but Possessed wasn’t in any.

They wouldn’t know his flavor unless they rolecopped Possessed exactly.
Which is not impossible since he claimed important PR, but eh.

Trustworthy Liberal.


I just got a clarification about my info they don’t need you to say your character they are allowed to guess it or acquire it from different means but they need that on top of 1 of your ability’s claimed by you.

we all knew there was no such thing as a trustworthy liberal

okay so they need our flavor and one ability which they learned from the host theirself
but they can guess our flavor and that counts

Eh, the fact that TL implied one version of anticlaim, and then changed it after clarifying makes me think the plan to give this info is more legit and not premeditated to fool villagers.

i think that if i don’t get an idea, i’ll just use it on jgoes and see what happens

i think i’ll target derps so he stops giving people lighters

Derps says he killed eevee and no one ccs hes likely town.

Actually now that I think about that isn’t TL technically an oracle? And we know PKR is one too

In other words, he will be scum’s next target.

so i think i’ll guard derps tonight and then cripple jgoes tomorrow

Dont tell us your exact target lol

Btw I got kinda worried when I saw memesky had exact abilities you claim, but ok.