[JOJO GW FM] La Squadra Esecuzioni

Honestly probably should drop Boss from town.

Now I will really stop.

Just on reread I felt something villagery from Ginger and TL.

Not from Boss.

Hard to think Boss/Lastday make sense as a team?
With Boss telling his buddy to post reads in this chat and not maf chat…

And this way of defending feels off for w/w, like defending based on Lastday inviting Boss to chat.
Would be whiteknighting if anything.


Does this make any sense?

This is still baffling for scum!Boss.

Boss proposing to shoot Marshal could make sense if Marshal was made immune to ITAs, I guess?

Is TMIing to an insane degree how Boss would play this game.

If sulit is scum, they could figure she’s going down rather sooner than later and someone bussing isn’t out of the question.

Now I will really really stop.

One last thing.

Think likelihood of 2 scum being in 8 man neigborhood should be fairly high, which would make on of Squid/Icibalus scum (probably Icibalus).

Frankly if sulit is town, I’d suggest throwing out any existing lists to garbage. (except PKR, Mist and probably Derps)

I think what makes me trash tier player is how much effort I put into this game for negative result to town.

I was always saying my only strong point is to be townie and not get mislynched.

Tl, lastday, sulit shld be first to be itad.

Anyone itaing outside of them will be susd.

Sulit has to die for solving wagons reasons.

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I mean sulit rlly.

If sulit flips scum im yeeting ici p hard ngl.

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His reaction yesterday to being questioned was weird.

Your threats mean nothing. I already announced that I will FPS the hell out of D3, and that I will die tonight. I will become a prophet.

…not to mention, there is nothing I can say about PoE or wolfteam, since nobody properly talked with me about their reads. (Guess where that comes from.)
The only thing I remember from this game are:

  • PKR is Miller and locktown because he’d been pushing uh… eevee? I forgot which scum it was-- at D1
  • Hippo claims to have greenchecked Jgoes, but I have basically near zero reads on him. The first moment I heard someone was greenchecked, I wanted to kill the Cop first, so the target can be confirmed, but that didn’t matter anymore because the target was Jgoes and he got that stupid Arrow thing
  • Ginger is acting like a crybaby, and scumread him because I have never seen this side of him

This is all I can remember from this game, who bears any resemblance of me reading your alignments, and you are not even in this list.


On game unrelated talk, do you enjoy violence? Like, breaking knees, does this thought excite you?