[JOJO GW FM] La Squadra Esecuzioni

Well, the thing is he done nothing but arguing with Zone which reminds me of when Pilica arguing with Emilia in DR. It doesn’t lead to any conclusions and clog the thread as well as making it look like you are active

I think it’s really similar to this time, he placed a vote on scum so he is not suspicious when one flip but once he see the opportunity he will jump to other wagon, by doing this it seems like he is sheeping the majority and can use it as an excuse


Astand as usual(If astand is scum then town is bascailly fooked -Boss110 in the mirror dimension)



Luxy kai


sulit the penguin


Scumteam = Ginger,Sulit the penguin,SirDerps and/or the nulls.(If there are 5 or more scum left)

Explaination of why i think these guys are scums:

For Ginger:
Starting from d2,when I randomly ISO Ginger,i saw that he has many fluff votes on others,and his behaviour is very damn wants to get self killed.
As what i said.Ginger has to be one of the scum or neuts that require to kill self and win or do things(The B.I.G,how many time do i need to repeat the word BIG :P).

For Sulit the penguin and (Italy)
Sulit ITA me and didn’t know how ITA works,Italy ITA’s me and know what ITA is.And those two also actually have no reason for that.
Sulit and Italy(some) also had fluff post
BUT,Italy actually didn’t do much more fluff post when it’s in the Deus ex match which he is NSF leader,and i just remebered.(I felt sorry for itaing Italy now)
If you ask why i didn’t vote sulit but voted jgoes,it’s because jgoes has not many post and when he ITA’d htm,his AoE(reason) which was at d1 and isn’t new,so it seems like he wants to get that arrow.

For Sirderp
Neut claim which TL said info of he is not neut(but if sirderp IS neut,then it’s TL can be swap to the place here)
His neut claim is really weird,so yea.

I can’t find one more scum and i tried
Nulls are either people that i can’t read or I really thinks he is neither good nor bad.

It probably have more then 200 words so yay for me :smiley:

Derp nightkilled an evil…

was that eevee?

yes it was

so he also killed a townie.

Boss’s essay looks the wolfiest.

Maybe it’s because it’s written the most well. Like an actual essay. Pretty clean.

Yet I can’t conclude he’s a villager from it.

Boss/Italy most likely scum from this chat, imo as of now.

His Ginger case feels off to me.

Btw I doubt Unita Speciale chat has 3 scum out of 5 people, so sulit scum would indicate Ginger villager.

How convinced are you that “Italy is scum”


More than rand

We could play a fun little game then. The rules are simple, do you want to hear them?

Sure, tell me.

Take your own life, and I will die with you.


Even if I could take my own life.

Didn’t think so.

I will take that as a compliment. Seriously though, what makes this one different from the first one? (the one with Lime and Luxy read)

Probably nothing, but I didn’t care about you back then as much.

And you saying you were going to shoot Marshal still pauses me.