[JOJO GW FM] La Squadra Esecuzioni

20 mins till start of day

If i am first to die in this neighbourhood pls honor me by tagging PKR and posting this image:


This is my one and only wish.

Sure. In return, kill Ginger if I die and he lives.

Remember pls all post the face tagging pkr to honor the la squadra esecuzioni if i die

I senseth my time hath come.

this chat is now really quiet and it makes me sad

ripperino o7

it goes without saying that if i or zone die tonight the other has to perish

Italy what do you think of the possibility of scum!PKR trying to CFD off Ici there

might be possible
who should i basically ā€˜vanilizeā€™

i could yeet kai for being sketchy
or i could yeet PKR for the CFD

yourself thatā€™s the big brain move

did kai or pkr claim I canā€™t read

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iā€™m sorry i canā€™t read either

thatā€™s okay

I think PKR mightā€™ve claimed oracle?

You also could just like

Not use your action

yeah well i have one use of this thing left and considering the body count i think this dayā€™s gonna be the last