[JOJO GW FM] Squalo and Tiziano

I’m down if you want, i could even use my ability to prove you by having datbird tip it off

So far based on my factless emotions I’d say Emilia is the most scum

I think only one of us should out thought

Neither of us should out abilities and claim flavor, really.
Except that if we are both town, giving us bigger hood with only town makes no sense.

That’s exactly what you said earlier.
What’s the point of this hood if we can use bigger one.

Exactly to coordinate without scum noticing.

Now now at least, but if we have info that we need to send we should do it by claiming we found it using the others ability

That’s what I didn’t realize, that there’d be other scum in the Speciale neighborhood

So basicly:

Our chat
Bigger hood
Visit detection
Your night chats
My second ability (which I won’t out yet)

Support to that:
Annonymous messanger to out what we learn
2 abilities to protect from lynch

We need to exchange the information as much as we can.
Possibly need a chat with other hood memeber, throwing information from place to place.
Or maybe someone without hood actually?


The point is we are sitting on information sources. Not sure how to best use it.

Do you think anyone doesn’t have a hood? based on what I’m reading about the show like everyone is part of some faction

Didn’t check all characters yet.

I think we should start figuring out people within our neighborhood using our abilities

Also if we out in our neighborhood we should role swap like you said

I’m definetly not gonna claim my abilites there.

Just who we are, not our abilities. These roles are based on the characters so it wouldnt be a good idea to say our identities at all unless we swap them

We know the five characters in our neighborhood, so we should try to work out what they do and their alignment as a first short term goal

Okay, gonna be around for next few hours, but got some work to do. (modernization of polish healthcare system infrastructure to be exact, lmao)

Ping me if you need me.

Why did you out us as masons anyway? It doesn’t seem like a good idea this early.

I’m fine with it but I feel like it makes us a good target

It’s probably not.

But puts good pressure on rest of hood.
I’m still waiting for last one to appear tho.

Also… who do you think are strongest players in this game?
Not towniest, but those who scum would think “eliminate them asap or we are screwed”?

Also, Guards del corpse (del = of in spanish. Guardians of corpse? wtf).

Are apparently protagonists.
That might be a reason why Arete died.
