[JOJO GW FM] Unità Speciale

Are you for real or are you trying to underline that we never claimed?

A part of me just wants to say yes, but over 80% leans towards the latter

Boss feels town

Are there any characters that do anything after dying?

Besides carne

Not in our neighborhood, and not to my knowledge.

Emilia is the only one in this neighborhood who has actually watched the show though.

I am back for a bit to catch up, but my brainpower is at like 2% normal capacity

Mr. President get down! Michael Reeves is here to kill turtles!

So this setup helps town really well actually.

We get to talk and share info at least.

True, except 2 of 5 are not really posting much here.

And they either get replaced or voted off our island first


Out of curiosity who of current players would you like to be in hood the most?

And why?

Hmmm…I actually want scummy people that talk a lot so we can catch them sharing info or misrepresenting it in some way. I dont know. That is hard to say, even though I had that exact power in my last game on this site.

Can people die halfway through a night?

Usually not.

[Suddenly, Nightvig in neighborhood chat]

Btw I’m forced to town read you both as you two are the only ones talking

I’ve basically also read you as town for the moment

same reason

Names please.