[JOJO GW FM] Unità Speciale

If not then what did arete say in other chat

I’m not in chat with Arete.

I got 1 on 1 chat with someone else, which is rather obvious if you look on flavors of people in here.

We know for sure that Squadra Guardie del corpo is another group chat, we should keep in mind there are likely several. I think we should try and use it as best as possible

Wait, how do you know it?

Werent you supposed to not know about jojo

Arete’s passive on the class card

Yea, never watched it.

I’m reading the jojo forum about you all right now

One of us appears to be a suicide bomber which will be hilarious to see

" Notorious B.I.G is a strange Stand fueled by its user’s hate, not unlike Ebony Devil; as such, its true power is only revealed when the user dies. At this point, it transforms into an autonomous, completely indestructible blob-like creature that attacks the fastest-moving object in its vicinity and devours anything it can to grow."

Your use of flavor doesn’t add to the game so perhaps this might be better off in one of the OOC chats

Oh my bad, I’m new to these games so I wasn’t sure exactly what this separate chat was for

It is like a smaller version of all chat to help find the Enemy Stand Users

You are wrong imo.

Oh? Then I guess it can stay.

I do agree that flavor can help figure out certain characters and what they do, but I guess it didn’t add anything super valuable so I can delete it if you’d like.

Even if flavor doesn’t help find allignment

Nah. I can just say my power doesn’t do that so I figured flavor wasn’t following the story

No deleting messages btw

The character that does that is Carne. I am not carne so I can’t confirm that but I would assume it follows the same deal.

My ability follows what my character does based on the JoJo forum

So does mine actually.

Wait. Is my role bastard